chapter 5

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Hi, um...I dont know how to say this, but here goes. I may not be posting/updating that much anymore because of a lot of fights that I just have to sit through and wish that they end. And of course other stuff, but I dont feel comfortable just telling people. But dont worry, the story isn't going to end with what just happened, but it will be updated sometimes.



She looked at the screen, a small leo, still 8 was figuring with some pipe cleaners. And there was yelling in the back

"No, I will not let that that diablo run around, burning my house to the ground. Nunca"
"Please miss, your his only living relative now. Hes got no queda cuerpo"
"Well he should of thought of that before he killed my sister, I told her that he was a monster a demonio a diablo" there was the sound of a door opening and Leos Aunt Rosa stormed out and right up the the small 8 year old lantio boy. "This is all your fault, if Esperanza had just listened to me in the park, none of this would of ever happened. Let these words haunt you every step you take, Every foot you lie in a new place Your a diablo, you should never of lived. Your a murderer and you are no longer part of this family" she then smacked leo-hard on his face. He fell to the floor, to sad to cry.

Everyone was quite, finally annabeth broke the silence.
"U-um, nunca is never, no queda cuerpo is no one left, a-and diablo is...devil" she said still trying to understand what just happened

Leo was...well what you'd expect from a little lantio boy that's ignored watching his traumatizing past right before you. He was having trouble breathing. Piper tried to clam him down with charm speak but to no avail. "N-next" he managed to choke out.

Leo was about 9 now, and this was his first foster home. The mother "litlith" had a nice home, it had yellow walls, a nice dining table and such. But dont let that fool you. little leo was on the floor, bleeding from cuts all over him. Litlith stood over him, carrying a wip. Stupid, waste of space, diablo, murderer. Every word was tagged with a painful moment when to wip met leos skin.

Everyone stared at the screen on shock,  "b-but why?" Piper asked in a horrified tone

The scene skipped ahead, leo was on the run. Running from this abusive home and away from lilith. "" he muttered to himself between gasps for air. That went on for a while, leo enters a home, gets abused and runs away. Finally hes at the wilderness school.

Piper lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding, "at least it gets better from here, right?"

Leo didn't meet there eyes, he wanted to forget. He wanted to literally be doing anything else but this at the minute. Knowing what happened to him and what he did to himself scared leo, not about going through it, but a certian part, he was afrid to tell his friends. Instead he just mumbled under his breath "it just gets worse, this is where I finally broke"

Yep a cliffhanger, I think. until next time ADIOS (I dont know why I capitalized that)

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