chaper 6

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Hey im back, with a new running out of ideas. here on out. It'll be in leos perspective

Leo was nervous, sure. This was the wilderness school. Where he met Piper and Jason, but the things that went down, including what he did to himself, scared him. He really didn't want to let the others know, anyway possible! All these thoughts were quickly sent away as the screen came back on...

It was the day after he had arrived at this place, he still didn't like it. There where too many people here, too many for his liking, so he was deemed the loner. Always kept away from as much people as possible.
"Hey freak, what are you doing here, going to tell us a stupid joke are you?" Laughed a girl from behind him
"No, he's to scared of us to even look at us" laughed a boy from his right.
"Oh, missing mommy are you" everyone laughed in the hallway as leo hurried to his dorm.

Leo remembered this day, this was when he made is first friend, well more then "friend".

He pushed open the door and collapsed on the bed, thinking if ways to make him feel better when his door opened and a young girl walked in. Leo looked at her in intrest.

"Leo please tell me you didn't talk non-sense to this girl" asked Piper.
"Calm down beauty queen, no I didn't, but..." he trailed of and looked up at the screen.

Leo instinctly had a grin on his face, "hey, new girl, welcome to the wilderness school. Where all your hopes and dreams get destroyed"

Piper and Jason laughed. "He got that right" they said in unison

The new girl looked at leo with a smile, "your Leo right?" She asked
"Why yes I am"
"Good I got the right room, im your...what do you call them, roommate?"
"Oh cool, you already know me, but I dont know you?" He asked it as a question.
"My name is Emilia, nice to meet you"
She had long, chocolate brown, wavy hair, dark skin, bright blue eyes and was a little taller then leo. She wore a light grey pull on hoodie, and black leggings with shoes. She looked at leo, shook her head as if dismissing an idea, leo frowned, he could already tell, Emilia didnt like him. While she walked away she patted leo on the head. Leo blushed a bit.

At that moment the room went into complete chaos, Piper and Hazel where fangirling over leo and Emilia, Jason and Percy where laughing, Annabeth was looking at Leo, probably trying to read his thoughts and Frank. Ohh Frank, he was the worst of them all.
"Leo and Emilia sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Leo slapped him.
He didn't know what was worse, that he was as red as a tomoto, or that Frank was right. 😉

Im leaving it there for today. Hope you had an amazing day/night/any other time of day or night. And I'll let you have fun with the characters. Bye

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