chapter 4

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Ok so, I know I haven't posted in what, just under a week? Well I've got an explanation, one
Yes, that place where everyone hates, no one fits in, or kids are bullied (for me its home, and a place no one notices me).
I've decided that I will only post on the weekends, long weekends or when im free from homework. Although I won't be able to post anything on Tuesdays and Thursdays as im at school till 8 at night. Well enough of me rambling, onto the story.


She watched the memories play on the screen asking herself, why they had to watch them, they didn't do anything wrong (please dont blow up the comments saying "oh, but frank said this and hazel agreed." I mean, its funny, but please just don't do it. Thank you) the memory on the screen was what seemed to be a happy one,

Leo laughed and chased after his mother, "im gonna getchu mama" he said. He seemed to be about 7.

Hazel looked at leo, she knew that his mother died, but he never told her how.

"Catch me if you can my little hijo" she laughed and ran around leo, avoiding him. Leo lunched at her and wraped his arms around her leg "te tengo mama" he laughed and smiled

Hazel looked back at Leo, he was shaking slightly and had longing in his eyes.

"Maldita sea your getting very fast my little monstruo" she laughed and picked him up, thdn started to tikle him "whos got you now huh little león?" After her final word the screen faded to black

They all turned to annabeth, "you'r are translator what did they say?"

Annabeth reported: "hijo is son, te tengo is got you, maldita sea is dang it, monstruo is monster snd finally león is lion" the others just nodded, leo was shaking, he missed his mother, and even the machine shop, but it was his fault they where taken away from him. And now he had to go through it again.

The sceen came back on and the others turned to watch, not prepared for whats about to happen.

Leo was in a machine shop, he looked about 8 and he was helping his mother. Telling her jokes, handing her equipment, the usual.

Leo recognized this one, this was the day it happened, the day everything was taken away from him

"Thats enough for today, lets go home, shall we?" Leo nodded and walked to the entrance, they where about to leave when his mother said she'd be right back, and left to get her keys. As soon as she left the doors swung shut and locked, leo ran over trying to pull them open.
"Mama, are you ok?" Just then he heard a loud crash inside, he tried evrn harder to open to the door. "It wont open pequeño" said a sleepy voice behind him. He spun around and gasped.
there standing before him was a lady covered in dirt, no she was dirt. "She will die in there and you will always carry the burden" she said even though her mouth didn't move. "It will be your fault" then she laughed.
leo tried anything to get away from her, before he knew it, he was covered in flames and he fired them at the dirt lady. "Eat flames" he said, then watched in horror as thd flames where thrown back at him, and onto the wall.
He tried to undo his mistake and put out the flames with no luck, he watched in horror as the flames grew and grew until there was a fire twice the size of the building. Leo tried frankly to open the door put couldn't, he stumbled, breathing in a lot of smoke, too much, that he was stating to get dizzy.
Before he fell he heard a message on the door in morse code "I love you leo" then everything went black

Leo prepared himself for questions and oh did they come. "What just happened", "leos mother died?", whats going to happen now" and of course, "why did you lie to us leo? You said she died when the shop collapsed on her, not in a fire?" Asked piper and Jason at the same time. Leo didn't answer any, instead he was shaking, badly, scared of  what was to come, scared to see him go through all that again...


Whoa almost 800 words, this was a long chapter, and again sorry. Well until next time, chao

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