chapter 7

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^^ this chapter is going to be good. Trust me

Leo was sitting in his chair, hands in his face, clearly embarrassed.
"Iv done my job" said frank proudly. This time hazel slapped him. "Stop bullying me" he cried out, sarcastically

Leo was having the best dream ever, he was back with his mother, suddenly a hand came out of nowhere in particular and slapped him. Waking him up. "What the heck Emilia, you cant just slap me to wake me u....up" he stared at her, she had her long hair in a messy braid and was wearing a really cute, large sweater with her usual black leggings.

Dame Emilia could pull of a look. She could possibly be a child of Aphrodite. Leo thought

"Get up, you need to see this" she said with a huge smile on her face.
"Fine, but after im going back to bed" he followed Emilia to the window to see the best moment of his life, so picture worthy. Piper and Jason where asleep on the bench, piper had her head on jasons sholder and jason was currled up like a little kid. Leo took a picture

Piper smacked leo on the head. "I hope you deleted that" she said sternly.

"I did, I did" leo said rolling his eyes, but trying to fight against smiling. Truth was he still had that photo, but it was back in his cabin in camp.

Emilia laughed and turned around. They got everything teady to go and they said there goodbyes and see you laters and headed to class. When leo sat down, he noticed piper and jason where still not there. "Whoa, what knocked them out" he asked then remembered the photo.
The rest of the day went by in a flash, Leo was too tired to care really, so when he got into his room he collapsed on the bed. Absolutely drained, when he woke up, a blank was covering him. He looked around and spotted Emilia, a few weeks had past since she first arrived and she had been acting very weird toward leo. Finally she had told him, she liked him. "Hey, whats up" Emilia jumped, "oh your awake now. Good, I-I need to tell you something" she wouldn't meet his eyes so leo knew this was going to be bad. "I-im moving away, tonight" she said and walked off, tears in her eyes.
Leo had now idea how to react, so for the rest of the day, he just stayed in his room.

The others had a sad look on there faces, "she was the first to care about me" leo said then instantly realized what he had said. Thankfully pipes and jason didn't seem to hear him.
He looked away, 'why should they, after all, he was a good for nothing dibleo' he thought


I know I said this was going to be good, well I was lying. You shouldn't trust me. After all, I had something worse planned for Emilia. Be happy.....bye

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