chapter 8

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This chaper involves self harm and a suicide attempt. if you cant handle those things, please dont read

Leo was sitting alone at a table, Piper and Jason where talking together, with out leo. Thats how these things worked, leo figured, you make a friend and they stab you in the back, or neglect you. Worrying about there problems, and never asking once "how do you feel about this" (true story....)
Leo tried joining in on the joke the others where laughing about, but they either ignored him or didn't hear him. "Ok then, I'll just leave" he said sadly
He made his way toward his room that he now shared with jason ever since Emilia left. He had a kind if far of look in his eyes.

"You look like you where being controlled by something bud" exclaimed Jason the others laughed. No one noticed the look on leos face. Alarm , sadness and fear where clear in his eyes. He got up suddenly, "Hera no! They cant watch this, please not this part." He called out. The screen froze and Hera appeared, "sorry leo, they have to watch it, or they wouldn't understand....that"
Leo looked almost as if he watched his mother die again. "Your not going to show t-that are you?" He asked desperately
"Of course I am" and with that leo was magically teleported back on his chair and Hera was gone.
"What was that about?" The others asked leo but he didn't answer so they turned there attention back to the sceen.

Leo walked into the bathroom, and locked the door behind him. He then looked at his hands and arms, smiled and a single tear made his way down his face.
He reached up and pulled out a small, silver tool. A razor.

"" piper muttered

He took the blade and fingered around with it, "hello mi amigos" he muttered and in a quick movement, had slid the razor hard on his upper arm. He smiled as blood started to bubble up and a sharp sting numbed the pain he felt inside. He grabbed a cloth and quickly cleaned up, it was done fast, like he had done this many times before.

Before leo could act at all, percy grabbed his sleeve and yanked it up, revealing what leo had been hiding since his mother died. Many scars, some new, some old had been dug into his skin. Leo yanked his arm away and rolled down his sleeve and then looked at percy.
Percy was speechless, "why" he finally managed to croke out. Leo just looked away as the next memory started to play, there was going to be even more questions after this one was done. Frankly he was scared of the reactions.

Leo was backed up against a wall, a big red mark on his face. "Well, gonna fight back or not?" Asked a voice. Leo didn't answer "fine then, play it that way" the stranger punched him hard in the stomach. Leo fell to the floor  this went on for sometime then those words leo will never, ever forget, "just kill yourself, the world would be better without you" and the bully dissapeared as the bell rang and other kids started to make there way to there next class.
Leo avoided eye contact and raced to his room, glad to find it empty he rushed into the bathroom.

"Leo, please tell me you didn't....." hazels words trailed off as leo looked away

He opened the medicine cabinet to see some pills, leo was supposed to take one a day for a reason he had forgotten, he unscrewed the lid and shoved all of them down his throat.

At that, the room erupted into all of hades. Piper and Hazel where crying, Percy looked at Leo with concern and everyone else was screaming. Leo of course was shaking, he had tucked his legs close to his chest and had his face buried into his hands

Leo fell down, getting lightheaded and nauseous. His head hit the floor and everything went black. He opened his eyes to see....a hospital room and Jason and Piper looked up and a smile lit up there faces. "Leo! Your ok, Dylan got the better of you, were so sorry we weren't there." They hugged him. Leo just looked at them and asked a single question.
"Im....alive?" They nodded, the docter said you were beaten to near death. If Jason had never got back and kicked open the door, you wouldn't be alive right now. Leo was stunned, why didn't the pills work, he was so ready for it, why wasn't he dead. "But it wasn't Dylan that....nevermind" he said and the screen faded to black.

Leo wanted to be anywhere in the whole world, heck even Olympus or even tartarus, just. not. here. Piper and Jason looked stunned, everyone did. Now that the memories were over, leo was finding it hard to breath. Suddenly he fealt a pair of arms wrap around him, and another, and another. Until they where all in a giant huge. The 6 trying to comfert there friend. "We love you leo, we will never stop loving you" tears started to fall. "I love you guys too"

So thats it. Thats the whole story. Man this was longer then I expected, but I hope you liked it. And remember if you are suffering from depression, please do something about it.

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