chapter 3

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Hey there, im feeling much ones still going to read this


Someone called his name frankly, he couldn't see who because his head hit the floor and everything went black.
When he opened them again he was laying in his room, his bed cleared and made as he layed on it. He groaned and sat up, leaning to the wall till his sight came back.
Sitting in a chair, in the corner of the room was a very familiar lady in a black dress and a shawl over her face. "Tia callida?" Leo asked
The woman looked up and smiled. "Oh your awake now are you? Your...friends are in the mess hall" Hera hesitated at the word 'friends'.
"O-ok?" He got up and slowly made his way to the mess hall, slightly leaning on Hera so he wouldn't fall. He was just about to open the door when he heard voices coming out of it...

"...ya he was, I dont understand why" said a voice that leo recognized as pipers

"Lol he probably just did it for attention, hes been wanting a lot of that lately" said Frank

"I agree, plus he's soo annoying" called out Hazel

"He's got to have the best childhood, after all, I was neglected" laughed Annabeth

"And he never takes things seriously, always making jokes. He's so lame" everyone laughed

Leo stared at the door, tears streaming down his face. He looked at Hera and she frowned, then they were teleported back to his room. Where leo broke down.

"I've got an idea of what we could do" hera whispered after a while.

"Other then getting me more hurt?" Leo cried

"Well, I cant garinty that it wont hurt you mentally, but what if they watched your memories. Find out about...everything" hera muttered softly

Leo looked at her like she just killed his pet, "are you crazy, they'll never accept me, I'll be forced to leave again!" He yelled at her.

"Great, then it's decided, you guys will watch your memories". Before leo could respond he found himself sitting in a chair, he looked around and the others were there too. Sitting on a couch. They looked worried and scared then relaxed as they saw Leo

"What's going on Leo?" Piper asked.
Leo explained what is about to happen, "oh, well your childhood cant be that bad can it?" They all asked

"They have no idea" he muttered and looked as the screen began to play, and Leo prepared himself for emotional trauma and a lot of questions.

Sorry this chapter is quite small, compaired to the others. Until next time adios

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