Chapter fifteen

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Hey guys :D I'd just like to say a huge thank you to everyone that's been reading and voting. I know it isn't as much as some people may think, but it means a lot to me! SO THANKS EVERYONE.

ooh on another note, you're right i haven't done no 'revision' for my story because well i didn't want to. EVERYTHING i have wrote is made up and completely off the top of my head. Sorry if you's don't like it or anything.

Anyway Chapter Fifteen :D

Chapter fifteen

A nearby twig snapped, jolting me awake. It didn’t take long to see the source of the noise. A grey wolf had his head on the ground, two more animals flanked either side of him, staring into the bushes I was hiding in. the grey wolf lifted his head in my direction. Blood gleamed off his nose in the moonlight. The searing pain I felt earlier was now a dull throb, I stretched out as little feeling the metal pull slightly.

Another twig snapped, closer to me this time. I looked back up to see all three animals making their way towards me. The hair on my hackles rose. A warning growl slipped past my teeth making the animals stop for a short second. I quickly crawled back out from the bush, rising to my full height. I was bigger than two of the animals. The grey wolfs head loomed over my own, making me look smaller than I actually was. Another warning growl rumbled out of my chest. The grey wolf dipped his head, licking my cut. I dropped my head, the sensations overwhelmed me. Fire coursed through my blood, I didn’t want this fire to end, ever. But I had to do something. I dropped my head lower and lower until my mouth was level with the fleshy part of his calf.

I moved fast, clamping my teeth into his leg. Blood seeped into my mouth, my eyes grew wide. A small purr rumbled through my body, his blood tasted great. No more than ten seconds had passed before I unhinged my jaw and sprinted off into the forest. The pads of my feet barely hit the ground as I pushed myself further and further. Twigs snapped behind me, letting me know that they were following me. I darted left, through the trees and over bushes. Startled animals dashed from their homes, seeking new safety. I raced faster and faster, not wanting to get caught. The sound of a stream flowing caught my attention. I skidded to a stop before turning and running in the direction of the water.

The pain in my side burned as I collapsed onto the river bank. I whimpered in pain as the burning intensified. Heavy panting escaped my lips as I panted in and out. Small whimpers came from up ahead. I lifted my head, trying to see what was near. His scent floated over to me, sending chills over my body, igniting the fire inside of me once again. I tried to move my head to see him but it was no use, my head felt like someone had ripped apart my skull and shoved the space full of bricks.

The grey wolf whined again, laying his head on my side and gently licking along my cut. A small angry growl rumbled out my mouth as his rough tongue stung. They grey wolf moved his head, biting into my hind leg. I whimpered again, silently begging him to bite me again. The power his teeth gave me when he sunk them into me was unbelievable, I felt like my body would erupt with the pleasure he was giving me. Bones snapping in the forest caught my attention, seconds later Amy and Matt walked over to me. “Alexis!” Amy sobbed.

She rushed over, shoving her head into the crook of my neck. Her tears soaked my fur, I purred slightly trying to reassure her. “Nate, do you want me to pull it out here?” Matt asked, cautiously making his way towards Nat and my injured side. Another whimper escaped Nate’s lips. He dipped his head before walking up to sit by my head. “Ok.” Matt answered.

I pushed my head in between Nate’s paws. He slowly put his head next to mine, as if asking permission. I purred when his nose brushed against mine; sending tingles through my body. I quickly licked along his neck. I'm sorry. I thought over to him, hoping he could hear me. “I'm sorry too baby.” He answered, nuzzling into my face.

I let out a loud how as the cold metal was yanked out of my side. Anger seared through me, sting me on fire. I needed to hurt Matt, he was a threat. Nate moved quickly, knocking Matt out of my way while pinning his body against mine; keeping me pushed into the ground. The pain in body was white hot, pushing through my veins. I shook my head from side to side trying to nap at anything within reach. With one final attempt, I bucked my body up; pushing Nate off me.

I jumped up quickly and started circling around Matt. His eyes grew wide, his body shaking. He wasn’t scared, no. he was fighting and inward battle with his animal. I feigned left as I pounced at him from the right. He moved quickly, my teeth scraped his thigh slightly. Red blood trickled down his leg, getting lost in the grass. He hissed in pain. I circled him again, waiting for my perfect moment to strike.

The wind rushed through my fur as I leaped. Nate’s huge body hit my side, sending me sprawling down the hill. I dug my claws into his face, biting him any chance I could get. Our growls echoed all around us birds flew from their nesting place. We landed in the water; I clawed at Nate while he tried to pin me down.

The wind blew furiously, a scent hit me; chilling me to the bone. I froze solid, catching Nate off guard. His body crashed into mine, sending me out of the water and onto the grass. Nate was beside me in a second. The fur on his hackles rose, he could smell it too. I nudged him with my head and then to the last place we saw Amy and Matt.

I raced ahead of Nate; my paws barely hit the ground. The sound of sobs filled my ears before my eyes landed on a sight I would never forget.

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