Nate's POV

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Here you go guys, let me know what you think pleaseeeeeeee.

ooh just realised it's my birthday in nine days oh hyfr! XD

Nate’s POV

Everything happened so fast. I tried to scream out as Tyler whipped the gun out from underneath his coat but my voice caught in my throat. I watched in horror as the bullet flew from the gun hitting Alexis in the side of the head. My heart constricted in my chest. She looked stunned for a moment before looking round. I whined loudly as hands grabbed my, pinning me down to the floor. Alexis spun her head towards me, watching me closely. Mack strapped the chains to her as they rolled Amy down the hill. The hint of a smile played on her lips; I knew she’d pull through. Clearly the leeches underestimated us. I whined again as Alexis’ body grew limp before she dropped to the floor with her eyes closed. Something sharp hit me in the head, causing blackness to come and get me.


I woke up tied to a chair, the chains around my wrists burned. I squinted in the darkness trying to make out my surroundings. A chair sat opposite me, empty. The room was spacious. I strained on my chains again, wining as they cut into my skin. The door opened a crack, before someone walked in. “Are you awake?” He asked, hope laced his tone. “Yeah.” I grunted in response. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he switched the light on. “I’m Mack, look before you say anything I know what a terrible person I am.” He took a deep breath before he carried on. “I want to help, I am going to help. You two will be out of here the day Al wakes up.” I stared at him a moment in utter shock. A vampire was trying to help? “Why?” I asked. Hs eyes filled with hatred. “Because I know Alexis will be able to help my sister out of here. He took her and I need her out.” I saw the love that swam in her eyes as he spoke about her. “Ok.” I whispered. Mack look relieved as he rushed over to me.

“Ok, this is going to hurt ok?” He asked, looking into my eyes. I nodded my head, waiting for the pain to hit me. “When Alexi wakes up I need you to tell her you don’t love her, that you reject her.” Mack shot me a glare when I opened my mouth to protest. “If you make her believe it then she will think the bond is broken, the bond can never break no matter how much either of you try to break it. Once she thinks it’s broke then her wolf will get angry and try to prove how worthy of a mate she is, meaning that Alexis will be unstoppable. So far it’s only me, Finn and Tyler here. You both will be able to take us but I want you to promise me that you’ll take my sister with you.” A single tear rolled down his face as I watched him. My heart broke in my chest, vampire or not he’s helping me and I’d help him.

“No, I'm taking you and your sister out of here. You are both walking free with me and Alexis.” I smiled over at him, showing him that I meant every word of what I’d said. “Thank you Nate.” he replied. “Look she’s not awake yet, it’s been a while. You’ve both been sort of sleeping for ages. It’s been two months, I’ve been checking in on you but everything was fine. I think it’s the chains, I think now you’re getting used to them so you’re waking up. Anyway I'm going to have to play along with their games for a while until we get out. So I'm sorry for what’s about to happen.” I watched him as he walked to door and shouted out. “He’s awake Sir.” He flashed me an apologetic smile before Tyler walked in. “Well, well, well. Look what we have here.” Tyler smirked as he strolled over to me. He shot his fist out punching me in the face. “That’s for mating my daughter.” He pulled his fist back and hit me again, causing my lip to split. “She’s not your daughter you monster.” I spat out at him, earning another punch.

My face felt numb by the time Tyler had left me. He’d punched me so hard my eye had swollen shut, my lip split and I'm sure I had three broken ribs. Mack promised to keep me informed on what was happening with Alexis. Days passed, every day was the same. Mack would tell me there’s no change and I’d get hit. I felt like giving up on everything, it’s been two months and there was till no change. What happened if she was dead? Would I live? No I wouldn’t, my life would be gone. The small time I’d been with my mate it had changed my life. I loved her.

The door slammed open causing me to jump. “S-she’s awake.” Mack panted out before Finn pushed his way through the door. “I’m going to have fun with your little Princess.” Finn smirked. I let out an angry growl as I pushed against the chains trying to get out. “Put more chains on him.” Fin snarled as I kicked out at him. Mack complied, adding more chains to my body. “I’ll go tell the boss he’s ready.” Finn said as he dashed out the room. “We’ll be free soon.” I said to Mack. He nodded in response as we waited for Alexis.

I watched as Alexis stumbled through the door, that jerk Tyler pulled on her chains making her crash to the floor. I watched as her face grazed the floor, blood instantly seeped out of the cut. Tyler’s laugh filled the room along with a low snarl. Tyler snapped his head in the direction of the noise. My heart leapt into my throat. I watched Alexis carefully as she surveyed me, I could see the pain in her eyes. I had to do this I thought, for her. “Mack!” Tyler snapped, moaning about the growl that slipped out of his lips. “He tried kicking out again.” Mack muttered, flashing his fangs in my direction. It was our signal, the one where I had limited time to tell Alexis the words that would break her heart.  “Ok.” Tyler said, please with his answer.

Tyler pulled her off the ground by her hair. Making her groan loudly, making Finn grin widely. I snapped my head up removing all emotion from my face as I stared at her. She let out a small shiver before whispering my name. “Nate?”                         “No.” I answered after a moment. She blinked a few times while “Alexis, I don’t love you. I wish you had died two months ago in that clearing, clearly he didn’t shoot you well enough. Alexis you are free. I re- I reject you. This is your entire fault. Amy would still be alive if it wasn’t for you. So no, I don’t love you. I reject you as a mate.” I stammered out, pain flashed across her face making my wolf inwardly cry out. What have I done?  

I watched as she fell to the floor, curling up clutching her chest. I wanted to run over to her and tell her everything would be ok, that I didn’t mean anything I said but I couldn’t. Sweat broke out all over her body as it body convulsed, fighting against the chains. Her sobs echoed all around the room along with low snarls and growls from me.  I watched silently as she was pulled up and shoved in to the chair opposite me. Her sobs filled the room, making Tyler angry. A hand smacked into her cheek, leaving a burning handprint. Another snarl ripped out of my mouth. Alexis froze, looking up at me. I started into her eyes, trying to show her the love I had for her.

 “Well this is much better than I had planned.” Tyler laughed.. “So we’re going to play a game. It’s pretty simple; there is only one rule after all. Stay alive.” Tyler said as he walked closer and closer to Alexis. I wanted nothing more than to rip him apart. “Do you want to win this game Ally?” Tyler asked sincerely. She looked at him before spitting in his face. I was so proud of her, even though she was hurting she still held her ground.  “Ally wants to plaaaay.” Finn sang dragging the ‘a’ out. He quickly unhooked her from her chains, letting them drop to the floor. I tried breaking out of my chains, I knew what was about to happen.

. “Al! No. Not her, I’ll do it! NO!” I bellowed thrashing about in my chain and chair. I had to try and get to her. I froze when she looked at me, maybe I can fix this. “What’s one of the first things I said to you?” I whispered as I let the tears run down my face. “This is a trap.” She whispered back. Finn ran at her, causing her body to fly across the room.

“Come on Princess; don’t let me win so easily.” Finn pouted. I watched as she shakily got to her feet. “Listen here you stupid blood sucking freak!” She snapped, causing everyone to freeze and stare at her. She quickly carried on. “When we escape.” she inclined her head towards me. “And I say when because we will. I’m going to tear you apart piece by piece and I won’t leave a single vamp in this room alive.” She looked around the room, staring at everyone.

“Well you sure do have a wild imagination.” Finn sneered. “We’ll see.” She laughed. She ran towards him feigning right. She dropped her left shoulder and barrelled into him. She moved quickly. She straddled Finn, repeatedly punching him in the face. My wolf moaned at the intimate position they were in, even if she was hitting him repeatedly. “That’s enough.” Tyler yawned, clearly bored. Hands grabbed her waist causing feral snarls to escape out of her mouth. Her body was slammed roughly against the wall. I let out a whimper, not wanting her to be hurt. I watched in shock as she raced at Tyler, wrapping her hand around his throat. His eyes widened slightly in shock before he laughed. “Clearly two hours free from the chains is too much for my dear step daughter.” He tilted his head slightly, seconds later the cuffs were back on her and she was shoved into the chair facing me once again. “We’ll be back shortly and then we will let the games begin.” The door slammed shut, causing Alexis to wince. My eyes locked with her and I knew I had to protect her no matter what.

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