Chapter twenty

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So this is short but it is so long on word. That always confuses me, anywhooo let me know what you guys think of this. I love your input, seriously. Also have you guys got any idea on which famous person best fits the characters? Let me know, yeah? One more thing… I’ve decided I'm gonna do about another five-eight chapters before I end this… but I'm thinking about doing a sequel… so let me know if you guys want to read another? That is all


Chapter twenty

My feet pounded across the wet grass, leaving muddy paw prints. Angry snarls vibrated all around me, my muscles screamed in protest as I pushed myself further and further. Twigs snapped underneath my weight, alerting the wolves and other shifters where I am. The night air was bitter cold, freezing my whole body.

I skidded to a halt at a cliff edge, loose stone toppled over the edge; falling down into the death trap below. A large dark wolf stepped out of the clearing. I took cautious steps back, only stopping when the heel of my paw hit the edge of the cliff. “You’ve caused quite a disturbance pup.” The wolf snarled out. “We don’t like disturbances.” I let out a small whine as two shifters broke out of the formation and started advancing on me. “We don’t like disturbances. I whimpered again, bowing my head down.   “And if I die, it’s because is choose it.” I snarled out. I snapped my head up, baring my teeth. I spun round, hitting the three shifters with my tail. I dove off the cliff. My body fell at a tremendous speed. The snarls died out the closer I got to death. The eery silence frightened me.


I jolted awake, my hair stuck to my face as sweat trickled down my body. My breathing came out in painful laboured pants. I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing. Tears fell from underneath my lashes, running paths down my face before falling into my lap. “Ally?” A voice called. I snapped my eyes open, locating the source of the voice. “Melody?” I croaked out. A burning sensation spread from my mouth to my throat to my stomach, igniting my whole body in an uncomfortable heat. “Does it hurt?” I shrugged not wanting to speak. A painful tug spread from my shoulder to my wrist. I pulled the sleeve of my long top up; revealing dark bruising spreading up my arm. “Ally please don’t-” Melody started before I snarled at her. She shrunk back against the wall, tears falling down her face. I quickly slipped my arm out of the sleeve and stared at my shoulder.

A dark purple bite mark covered the whole of my shoulder. The teeth indentations were a silver colour. The silver spread down my arm as if it had replaced my veins. “P-please A-Ally.” Melody hiccupped out between her sobs.                                 “Shut up.” I spat out, turning to face her. The burning in my body intensified to an even more unbearable amount. I fell to the floor, seeking comfort in the cold tiles. I heard the door open and shut in the distance. My shoulder screamed out in pain as the burning grew fiercer and stronger. Minutes ticked past as I curled up tighter and tighter on the floor.

“Alexis.” A male voice roared as the door opened once more. “Baby, please calm down.” His cold hands clamped down on my arms. The shock sent my body crazy. My arms snapped out from under his hands as I swung my fists, hitting him in his jaw. “Seraphine, now!” Mack’s distant voice yelled.                                                  “B-but I-I'm scared.” Melody answered.  I swung again, connecting with Nate’s jaw once more. I pushed his weightless body into a nearby wall. The sound of bones and brick breaking filled the room. “Please Sera for me; you're my little sister I need to protect you. This is the only way.” I watched as Melody nodded, turning towards me. Her mouth moved fast but no words came out. A small fizzle filled the air before it filled with electricity. Small sparks hit my body, everywhere they hit; felt like my body was on fire. My body began to shake as the need to shift became really strong. I leapt out of my crouch, my hand flew out, claws erupted from where my fingers should’ve been. My hand connected with melody’s face, deep slashes covered her body; starting from her right eye and ending at her left hip. Her body fell towards the ground. Mack stared open mouthed at me before rushing to her side. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?” He screamed at me, cradling her to his chest.                                      “I- I’m s-sorry.” I sobbed out as I watched Melody grow paler by the second.

“Mack you need to turn her before she dies.” Nate whispered as he went and sat next to them. “I didn’t want her to have this life.” Mack cried out as he hugged her closer to chest. “It’s this life or no life.” Nate whispered again. He quickly grabbed something out of Melody’s hand before walking over to me. “She was trying to save your life.” Nate said, his voice and face had all emotion removed. “Put this on, never take it off.” He threw the thing in his hand to me before walking away with Mack and Melody.

What have I done?

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