Chapter ten

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Chapter ten


“So why did you kidnap me?” I asked, I should’ve been running the moment I saw him, however I felt safe when I was near him. “I er look hmm; I didn’t mean to kidnap you. It’s just, I thought you were in danger so I had to get you out of town but then you broke my nose.” I laughed a little as I recalled my head smashing into his face. “Ok next question.” I giggled.

I was sitting cross legged on the floor facing Nate, who was on the settee. We were asking each other questions while we waited fro Amy and Matt. “Do you not care about your feet?” he asked. His question confused me.

“I do.” I replied, staring at him as he made his way over to me.

“Then why are they in this state?” He asked, looking at the scars and fresh cuts on my feet/ “Two questions, how greedy.” I laughed. “The old scars are from last year when I was running away from Craig.” I quickly shuddered at the unwelcome memory. “And the fresh cuts are from the broken glass in my apartment.” I finished, watching his as he stroked the cuts on my feet. “Your question.” He stated, breaking the silence.

“Why do you always leave me?” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. I studied his face, watching the beautiful smile turn into a frown. “You're not ready.” He said before walking to the bathroom. Not ready? I mused. Ready for what? Sighing, I pulled myself up and made my way into the spare bedroom I was staying in. I didn’t want to think about what he was on about. I collapsed face first onto the bed, burying my head into the pillows.

“He got away again!?” Nate roared. Even through my sleepy state I could tell her was having trouble with his emotions. “Nate please, you’ll wake her.” Amy soothed, trying to calm him down. I quickly let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding as I felt him relax slightly. Alexis you're going crazy, you did not feel him relax. You're in another room. I mentally scalded myself. “You're awake?” Nate asked. I snapped my head up, staring wildly around the room.

A memory flashed before me. We were in the car; Nate told me he could read my mind. You can hear me? I thought, playing with my fingers. “Yes I can hear you.” He answered. I let out a small nervous laugh. You're crazy. Oh maybe it’s me. I thought back. His musical laugh floated to me through the room. “No baby, we aren’t crazy. Will you please come out? We need to talk.” His voice floated through my head.

“This is crazy.” I whispered to myself as I made my way out.

“Hi” I whispered. They were sitting on the settee, facing the coffee table which was covered in various pieces of paper. “Hey.” Nate whispered back, flashing me a smile. I sat down on the floor facing them. “I’m sorry.” Amy whispered, a tear ran down her face. “Oh Ames, it’s ok.” I smiled up at her.

“It’s not.” She wailed. “I’m not a good friend. I’ve lie-” I cut her off before she could finish her sentence. “I know, it’s ok.” I smiled sheepishly as I remembered eavesdropping in on their conversation. “You know? You told her?” she yelled, turning to Nate. “Of course I never.” He hissed back, shooting a glance in my direction. “I kind of heard you.” I mumbled.

“Oh.” She replied, looking down at her hands.

“Look. We need to talk .I want you to tell me what he looked like. Can you do that for me baby?” Nate asked, staring at me. I nodded my head.

“He had light brown hair, he was tall, white. A little stubble erm, he had…” I stopped suddenly, frozen in place. “Alexis?” Nate called. “Alexis please, Alexis.” He begged, I heard his words but I couldn’t move my mouth to answer. I was vaguely aware of Amy moving. “Alexis!” Nate roared.

“I-I know h-him” I stuttered out. “He was there last year, when, when you left me!” I spat out, standing to face Nate. Rage was coursing through my body, over powering me. I had never been this angry before. It was as if it wasn’t even me. “Nate calm down you're affecting her.” I heard Matt whisper.

“You left me you jerk! He nearly killed me and it would’ve been your entire fault. My death would’ve been on your hands because you was a big fat coward and decided to leave!” By now I was shouting, me and Nate were shaking inches apart. “I should leave you, see how you like it.” I roared spinning on my heel.

“Don’t you dare!” Nate hissed as my hand clasped the handle.

“Oh you dare me babe?” I smirked before slamming the door shut behind me.

As soon as I was away from Nate my anger vanished, almost as if he was fuelling it. Instead now I felt lost. I slowly made my way into my apartment. Nothing valuable had been stolen, so what was he after? I made my way around all the rooms until I came to the last one he was in, my bedroom. I quickly shoved on a baggy t-shirt before checking everything over.

“What the hell.” I gasped, as my eyes landed on a ripped photograph. It was a photo of me, Scott, Cally and Lee the night of my party. The only thing missing from the photo was me. The creep had cut me out of the photo and kept it! I quickly scrunched up the photo and raced back around the house. All the photos of me had been ripped and taken. “He wants you.” My inner self cried out. She was pulling at her hair, trying to get away.

Panic flared through me. “Not so fast.” The words froze me too the spot.

“W-what do you w-want?” I stuttered, turning to face the man that broke into my house hours ago. “Isn’t it obvious? I want you.”


“Me?” I asked, glad my voice came out stronger than before. I held my ground. I just needed the perfect moment to strike. “Yes, you.” He replied, walking towards me. Every step he took I counteracted with my own. Just a few more minutes, not long now. I chanted over and over again. “Why?” I asked. Keep him talking, keep him distracted. The words Mack drilled into me time and time again ran through my mind. “He can’t have you. Id rather kill you than ever let him have you.” He answered as if discussing the weather. “Y-you're going to kill me?” I asked, the fear I felt earlier was clawing at my chest. “Yes.” He answered, lunging towards me. NATE. I screamed inside of my head.

My hand shot and grabbed the knife on the kitchen side. I quickly flicked my wrist, impaling the guy in the stomach. “That was a mistake.” He growled out. My eyes flicked down to his mouth, two sharp fangs dripped with saliva in the light. “What are you?” I whispered.

“I'm a v-” his answer was cut off with a snarl. Everything seemed to slow down.

The guy ripped the knife out of his stomach, grabbing me and pulling me in front of him like the first time we had met. The grey wolf lunged, biting into my leg/ pain raced up my leg, setting me on fire. I gasped, a strangled cry left my throat. The grey wolf pulled his head up to face me, whining a tear fell out of its eye. “No Alexis I'm so sorry. “ Nate whispered into my head. My vision grew fuzzy as the pain threatened to pull me under. The tip of the knife pushed into the side of my stomach, piercing my skin. I screamed in pain. Blackness washed over me. The words slipped into my thoughts before I could process them. I love you too Nate. a piercing howl filled the room before the darkness dragged me under.

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