Day 24: The Children Were Right

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She burst into the room and screamed. "What the hell have you done with the children?"

"Alice, you should sit down."

"I'm perfectly fine where I am. What have you done with them? Tell me!"

"Remember I told you that when we were wee, me and Kady were scared of the pooka?"

"The big bad bugaboo."

"Apparently cot deaths are most common during the first year," Jenn continues. "But what about when you are eight like Kady was? It doesn't make sense."

"So help me God, Jenn," Alice spits out furiously. "What about my—our—children?"

Jenn fiddles with a lock of her hair, and slowly turns to look at Alice. "They were making all kinds of noise up there. I didn't think they'd ever sleep. I shouted up and told them they better be sleeping when you come home. They wanted me up to close the wardrobe but I shouted back that they aren't babies any more, just go to sleep. And I came back to the living room."

Jenn swallows audibly. "There was more noise, followed by screams—good God Alice, the screams—and I ran up there as fast as I could and... and...there they were, ping-pong-eyed and blue-faced from swallowing their wee tongues.

"And the wardrobe clicked shut."


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