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Chapter Seventeen

It should never be said that Loki did not possess a great sense of humour, but this... this was as far away from amusing as possible. This was useless, a humiliation, a spit in the face. Someone should pay a dear price for this. Loki should make them pay.

Leah sighed... loudly. Loki ignored her.

'Let me do you hair,' Leah offered, and got a scoff in answer. 'You look like a mess.'

She stated that very matter of factly, and truth to be told, she was not entirely wrong. Loki glanced at the mirror on the far side of the room and was suddenly even more frustrated with this predicament. The hair grew long very quickly, it was curling in every direction, it was a bloody mane, that's what it was. Loki was very tempted to chop the whole thing off, just out of sheer defiance.

'In all the worlds I've never known a Loki who was not vain, so stop with the sulking,' Leah said. 'Come now... or James will laugh in your face the next time he sees you.'

'That would be the last thing he ever did,' Loki glowered, but sat down on the chair Leah was standing next to. It was useless to argue. If Leah was so eager to play handmaiden again, who was Loki to stop her.

'You can scowl as much as you like, but the "just rolled out of a haystack" is still not a flattering look for you.'

'I will not be primped and pampered like a maiden,' Loki growled, but the voice, curse the Tree and all the Nine Realms, this feminine voice ruined the tone entirely.

Leah sighed again as she picked up a hairbrush and got to work. She was tearing at the mess of locks, but Loki was not about to start complaining about a little hair pulling.

They remained silent for a while. Leah did whatever she thought needed to be done in order to make Loki presentable, while Loki... most certainly did not look at the mirror and the picture it presented.

'I know you understand the importance of appearances,' Leah said after a long stretch of silence, but Loki remained silent. 'The rules are simply different when you are a woman.'

Just hearing that word was enough to make Loki snap again.

'This is not what I bargained for!'

Leah sighed again, looking like she expected every word, it just infuriated Loki more.

'This makes no sense,' Loki continued, ignoring her calm silence and the hairbrush still held in her hand. 'I was prepared to do a great many things for this, valorous or atrocious. And I have already given a great many things.'

Loki gave up the throne of Asgard for this, the perfect plan that was already set in motion. Was that not enough? Loki gestured angrily at the body, the breasts, the narrow waist, and the round hips.

'But this... this gives me... us no advantage! This is a joke for others to laugh at! This... I don't want this!'

Leah was still silent. She probably knew Loki was not done yet, it was uncanny how well she could guess such things.

'What is the point of making me weaker?' Loki asked finally.

'If you truly think being in this shape makes you weaker, then I'm starting to understand why it was necessary,' she said.

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