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Chapter Fifty-Eight

His magic was like a living flame, but it did not burn, not this time. The hand holding onto him went limp just a moment after the Captain let go, but Loki held on. Chthon was still there, not in the flesh at the moment, but his power, holding onto his creation with vicious claws to make sure he perished, but Loki was more than just an Asgardian or a Jotun, he was so much more now. He could stand his ground against the demon god, he could fight his might with his own. And of course, he could use a little trick to tip the odds in his own favour. So when the flames vanished and the eyes below popped open, Loki stared at steel blue instead of yellow.

James came to very suddenly, gaining control over his body in but a few seconds, and his hand immediately gripped Loki back tightly, even before he looked around. Then the sigils and runes on his arm flared up even brighter, and Loki felt a wave of Jord's pure power, protecting her chosen even from far away. Chthon's grip snapped.

James dropped back down on the ground with a thud, but he didn't let go of Loki right away. Loki pulled him away from the edge… just to be sure. The swirling darkness Chthon conjured up in the depths of this world was still very much a threat.

'Bucky!' The Captain yelled, obviously noticing the change, seeing that it was no longer Kierrok staring at them. Loki decided not to bother explaining the details and how very close the demons still was, there was no time for such a thing.

The Captain grabbed hold of James, who still seemed dazed and confused, and pulled him into his arms. Loki let go, so did Thor.

'Where... what the hell...'

'Thank God you're okay,' the Captain said. 'Shit.'

James pulled back from him to look around, at the crumbling world of flames, their battle worn appearance. He was understandably shocked.

'What do you remember?' Loki asked him.

'I... we found the control room, then I was... something grabbed me, and I was somewhere else. Chthon was there and...' his face closed off, turning hard like steel to keep all his emotions hidden. He obviously realised that a lot of time must've passed that he could not recall at all. After everything that's been done to him, he was probably all too familiar with how he felt right now. 'Did I... did I hurt anyone?' he asked, his voice calm, but too quiet.

'No, Buck, you didn't, you didn't do anything,' the Captain hastily reassured him. James did not seem to believe him entirely. He glanced over to Loki for confirmation.

'You're possessed, but your mind has not been touched,' Loki told him. The expression on James' face spoke louder than words ever could.

'So just my body then this time…' he said bitterly. It was still a violation, only a different sort. Loki did not offer reassurances. This was neither the place nor the time. James was already getting back to his feet, despite the bloody wounds that surely caused him pain. He was silent now, determined. Just like Loki expected. He only ever dealt with the horrors inside his mind when he was somewhere safe. He would care not for comfort or encouragement right now, for his composure was his armour that always kept him walking.

The Captain reached out to get an arm around James, but he brushed his hand aside with a curt, 'I can walk.'

'Then you should get going,' Loki said.

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