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Chapter Fifty-Five

Steve decided that they had to treat this situation as if they were stuck behind enemy lines in a war zone while Loki and Strange discussed (argued) how they could go back to Earth. There was no point wandering around on this empty land, of course, especially with Tony and Bucky as injured as they were. They all needed to rest, because god knew they've been all walking and fighting non-stop since they left the tower. If there ever was a time to just sit down to catch their breaths a little, this was it.

Steve tried to pay attention to Loki and Strange, but after a while the magical terms started flying over his head, so he tried to take a good look at everyone else instead, to spot any injuries he might've missed, or anything else that might be important. Tony looked tired, but determined, while Sam just seemed fed up with everything. He also sat down on the ground next to Tony, Wanda and Pietro instead of sitting with Steve and Bucky. Maybe he was mad about the stunt Steve pulled with Loki. Steve wouldn't blame him if he were, he really wouldn't. He's not been a very reliable friend lately. He knew Sam understood why Bucky had to be a priority right now, but there was a limit to everything. Or maybe it was accidental that Sam happened to sit down over there, and Steve was just over-analysing it.

Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had things to make up for. Maybe he was just tired, maybe it was just something about this world around them and the threat of Chthon looming over their heads, but a weight settled over Steve's heart unpleasantly.

'No, we can't use the stones yet,' Leah said loudly. It was the first time Steve heard her voice since Strange and Loki started talking.

'But if what you said is true, and they anchor us to Earth...' Strange started saying, only to be cut off be Leah again.

'Yes, but we cannot reach out to their power, unless our fight is truly done,' she said.

'You are not giving me enough information with answers like that,' Strange said. 'That has to stop, now.'

'The Darkholders are dead, if we just get out, we are done, right?' Bucky spoke up.

'Everything changed, I don't know!' Leah answered. She sounded more distraught than Steve thought was possible for someone so subdued.

'But the Darkholders are dead,' Bucky repeated, scowling darkly. 'That was my end of the deal, they're dead. That's all we needed to do, you told me a million fucking times!'

He moved like he wanted to stand up, so Steve put a hand on his shoulder to keep him still. He didn't look like he should get back on his feet yet. Bucky ignored him and got up anyway.

'Who else would free Chthon?' Loki asked, looking at Leah. 'Who else could pose an actual threat? Maybe we do need to use to stones.'

'You are being reckless again,' Leah said firmly.

'We did what we came here to do, did we not?' Strange asked. 'But the more we wait the more time Chthon will have to do whatever he planned when he dragged us over here. We need to leave this place.'

'If we're going to vote, I'm voting for leaving,' Tony spoke up, lifting his hand up. 'You know, before the next horde of demons show up to rip us apart into tiny bloody pieces.'

'We're easy targets here,' Clint added. 'We're just waiting to be ambushed.'

'I must agree as well,' Thor added. 'This is a dangerous land, so we must leave at once if we can.'

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