Chapter 9: The New Club down the street

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Meanwhile with Chris....

It's already been an hour and I still haven't found the girls. I grew angry, sad, and worried. I lost the three girls that actually looked at me like a person and not some celebrity douche bag that I was towards them. I finally sat down on a bench and threw my head in my hands, shaking and trembling terribly, if someone saw me, they could've sworn I was a crack head. I thought about where they could possibly have gone, and it was driving me insane. I had no idea where they could've went, then it finally hit me. It was my only option. I got up and ran towards my destination.

Meanwhile with Liz....

"So, how's life with the hubby and son?" Andy asked as if we were best friends who haven't spoke in forever.

"It's going really good, life's going quite swell I guess. I met my parents for the first time, and I have a beautiful little sister,"

He raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"Oh, sorry, I was adopted and I never met my actual family," I explained. He nodded.

"'s funny how life is sometimes...everything isn't always what it seems. It's scary yet amazing at the same time," he says before taking a sip of his coffee. I nodded in agreement and sipped mine.

"Do you love him?" He asks suddenly. I nearly choked on my coffee but I survived.

"Of course I do, if I didn't love him, I wouldn't of married him," I said in defense.

"True, but, most people marry not because they love each other, but because their partner is one of the rarest people who actually showed them attention and affection, not because they love their partner," Andy says.

"Are you assuming im only with Chris because he shows me attention and affection?"

"No, not at all! I was just making a statement,"


"There's this new club down the street from here, wanna go check it out? Drinks on me," he smiled.

"No, I'm a terrible dancer," i chuckled out.

"That makes two of us! Come on, pleeease?" He begged.

" Ugh, fine, let's go," I said. Andy hopped off his stool and i did the same and we caught a cab to the club.

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