Chapter 16: Splitting aprt

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The next evening when I woke up, there was a bunch of laughter coming from the arcade room. I rubbed my eyes and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I finished brushing my teeth, I followed the laughter in the game room, seeing Chris and Briar playing Mario kart, Brionna and Riot and Tyler standing close behind, cheering them on, I stood in the doorway and watched. The game ends and Briar stands in victory.

"I beat you! Haha, you lost by a 16 year old," she teased Chris.

"Yeah, I let you win!" He laughed out.

Things got quiet when they saw me standing in the doorway.

"Hey..." Chris says.

"Hey..." I responded.

"Wanna go out to eat with me and the kids?"

"I don't kn-"

"Stop being a stubborn bitch and say yes," Briar says.

I sighed and laughed quietly and stared at Chris for a minute. He had a hopeful expression in his face.

"Fine," I finally say.

"Yes!" The kids screamed and ran past us.

"Let's just pretend we're happy today okay?" Chris says.

"Way ahead of you...I'm gonna go change..."


Ricky's Pov

Chris texted me this morning asking if he could stay with me for a while until he gets his own apartment because he and Liz are splitting up. In a way I felt bad for them, but I'll have to be with Liz on this one. Chris does have a problem with cheating and because of it, his marriage is going down the drain. I can't say I'm sad or happy about it considering that I still have some type of feelings for Liz, all I know is I just want her and Chris to be happy and I'll try my best to stay out of the mix of their situation going on.

Keyword: try.


Chris's Pov

Okay, so the girls pumped a lot of information out of me about last night. They noticed how quiet I was this morning and asked what was wrong, and I wouldn't tell them at first, but they threatened to tell Liz about them running away, so I gave in and told them everything. They were devastated about us splitting up, they even cursed at me for cheating and they had the right to. They wanted us to stay together, for two reasons:

1. They love seeing us happy together.

2. They "ship" us, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.

So, they helped me with a plan to win Liz's heart, but it's gonna take a while, we don't want to seem suspicious.

"You're gonna re-do your dates when you two were dating," Brionna said.

"And then take her to her most favorite places," Riot added.

"Even the ones where you two made the best memories," Briar continued.

"You'll two end up talking about the good times, and she'll slowly fall back in love with you and realize she wants you back," Briar added.

I nodded my head and hoped this would work, then that's when we played in the game room until Liz came in. Now, we're all in the living room, waiting for Liz to get dressed.

"So, where are we going?" Riot asked.

"Apple Bees, that's where I told Liz that I'd take her in to live with me after she told me and Ricky that Dean kicked her out, I want her to remember me as the one who did everything for her and not as the bad guy that I'm trying to get rid of," I admittedly responded.

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