Chapter 1

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In an infinite space with myriads of colors. A handsome 18yrs old young man can be seen standing there, no scratch that, more like the man was waiting for something or someone.

This is our mc for this story, Zekrall Helios, yes a weird name for a human that lives on Earth but who cares right?

(AN: Check the picture above for his appearance)

Suddenly, the space in front of the man began to distort. Then, an old man appeared.

And, as if he was expecting it to happen, the man immediately spoke with a cold and irritated voice.

"Took you long enough old man. Now, I'll go straight to the point. Just give me the magic of Zeref just without that stupid curse of killing everything if I feel love or if my emotions went out of control.

Then, give a core inside my body that contains a world with a size ten times that of a sun. Also put some spiritual veins, nature veins, energy veins, all sorts of elemental veins in there. That's all, now please send me to the world of Highschool DxD."

The old man stared at the man dumbfounded. He didn't expect to meet such a shameless person in his entire life.

And how could he say all those things while maintaining a cold and stoic face? Is your skill of shamelessness already reched the point of perfection?

"Ahem! I apologize, but I'm not here to do those cliché things. I'm after all not a God Reincarnation nor a God of Life. I'm just an observer."

The young man's eyebrows twitched. He has been waiting at this place since who-knows-when. And now, he couldn't get what he wanted?

However, the old man seem to think for a moment before nodding his head.

"Well, even though I said that I'm just an Observer, my strength and status is still far greater than those Gods. So granting those things that you've ask is pretty easy. Um, um, that could work."

The young man stared at the old man with suspicions. "Wh-what is it? Somehow, I feel uncomfortable." Though the young man's face still remained cold and expressionless.

The old man laugh, "Hahaha! It's nothing to worry about! Hahaha! Well, there is this world of DxD you're talking about, but it is a bit different from wht you know.

That world is created by a World God, however, that God died because he expended his Divine Energy and Life Force, killing him slowly."

"That's...sounds harsh."

"It is. Anyway, since there is no World God that manages that world, I guess I can send you there. Oh, also though that world is similar to DxD, it is a bit different."

"Its okay, please send me there."

"Umu, also, the world that you have, you only have a limited control over it. Like you can see and hear anything and everything in that world, you can teleport to any places there. You can change the biomes, and build absolutely everything. However, you cannot control time, and create life."

"Cannot control time and cannot create life, can you explain it a bit more, well I already have some guess about the time, but I appreciate it if you can explain about the life."

"Well, it is simple, like you can't create any beasts, humans, and the like. Though you can bring some lives from the outside and bring it inside your world.

Also, if you bring an ordinary animals inside, given enough time they will certainly evolve into a magic beast, or spiritual beast, they might even evolve into a divine beast."

"I see. Also, since I have the power of Zeref, am I also an Immortal? And can I also create some demons?"

"Hmm~ yes you're an immortal, though you can still be killed by someone several times stronger than you. Also, for you to create demons, you need a vessel, like a corpse, however you can't turn a living being into a demon unless they themselves agreed, even if that being is in the verge of death."

"I see. I have no questions left, please send me now."

"Okay, be careful."

AN: I forgot how Zeref's magic works aside from that it is related to death.... Soooo yeah, don't complain if I got his magic wrong cuz I really forgot about it.

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