Chapter 12

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Zekrall stared at the devils with his ice-cold eyes that sent shivers down their spines.

Looking behind him, the devils saw a very large beast with a large build and has a hight of hundreds of feet, it also gives off an aura of destruction.

Zekrall expected their reactions, after all this beasts was at the Heavenly Beasts level, at the same level as Heavenly Dragons.

Even though Zekrall couldn't control the beasts inside his world, he can still tame them the old fashion way, by beating them up until they submit, then give them benefits so that they won't even think of betraying.

He flew upwards and sat at the shoulder of the Colossus, the name of this beast.

Zekrall was the one who named this beasts after he tamed it. He look towards devils and saw some of them flying away.

Seeing those, Zekrall ordered Colossus to get them and it did, Colossus stretched its hands immediately caught the devils, well they died before Colossus could even touch them though.

Zekrall's cheeks twitched seeing this, then he recalled back Colossus to his world, after all he just thought that sending a Heavenly Beast to fight rhis group is certainly overkill.

Just one of it is already too much for an entire faction to face.

Zekrall glance at the devils who were already retreating, he summoned a ball of black magic on both of his palms, planning to finish them all.

He isn't some kind of person that would cutoff the weeds and just let the roots grown, no, he is the type of person that once he cutoff the weeds, then he will also pullout its roots.

"Death Pulse."

Then, a pulse of black energy sweep over the fleeing devils, the moment that the black energy touched them, they immediately withered and turn to dusts.

"Ah? I killed them all. Too bad."

With those words, Zekrall just shrugged and fly back towards the Nekoshou Village.

After arriving, he gently descended to the ground, only to be greeted by a pouting Blake.

"Sorry, they were much weaker than I anticipated, next time, I will let fight."


"Anyway, now that the pests are gone, shall we talk?" Zekrall said as he look towards Reya, who nodded.


"Now, what do you think of my proposal?" Zekrall said.

Currently, Reya and other High class level Nekoshou are having a meeting in Reya's house.

Zekrall proposes that they should leave the underworld and come with him to his own 'realm' after all, after what happened here, the devil council would surely do everything it can to erase the entire bloodline of Nekoshou.

Some of them were willing while the others doesn't want to leave their village.

Reya glance at the cold and handsome face Zekrall and said, "We will come with you, but we have some conditions."

Zekrall raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit of fury. "Listen here woman, this is not a negotiations. I am only helping you because of those kids, nothing more nothing less. I have no need for your race, there will be no conditions, just yes or no."

Reya flinched. He's right, Zekrall doesn't have any use on the Nekoshou race, heck he wouldn't even have helped them if not for Blake and the sisters.

Reya really doesn't have any right to ask or demand some conditions. She bit her lips in frustration, she was shouldering the survival of their race.

They couldn't fully trust Zekrall even though he saved them, they didn't know if what he said are true or just a lie.

On the other hand, if they choose to stay here, the devils may or may not erase their race in existence.

She have to choose between the two, follow a completely unknown and dangerous man who could annihilate their race if he so wishes, or stay and hope that the devils won't annihilate them.

Reya look towards her colleagues, completely leaving the decision to her. She bit her lips and glance towards Zekrall.


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