Chapter 6

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"None of you, are allowed to pass by here. Ignore my warnings and death shall await you."

Hearing his words, the two satans frown while the rest was immediately furious, though they did not say anything and just glared at him furiously.

A Satan class devil, a handsome middle aged man steps forward, he has a long crimson hair and blue eyes.

'Sirzechs huh.'

"I don't know who you are young man but, we really need you to let us pass, the Neberius House sent a message that they needed help, we can't waste our time here."

Sirzechs said while releasing his aura, wanting to intimidate the man before him. However, he was surprised, the young man didn't even flinched, he still look as calm as before.

'This boy, is troublesome.'

Then, the other Satan, a petite girl with long black hair in twin-tails wearing a pink magical girl outfit, who also has some 'assets' which is a bit too big for a girl her size, step up while also releasing her own aura.

The others behind them, also step up and started to release their own aura, though it isn't as strong as the other two, if combined is still comparable to a half-step Satan Class.

Zekrall, in face with this powerful pressures that could make many beings flee in fear, still hover in the air calmly.

In the end, he sighed and decided to use his magic.

'Cursed Domain.'

Then, a powerful and deadly black magic appeared and swallowed the seven of them.

The devils tried to resist but it was all futile. They were swallowed by the black magic, and the next thing they knew, they were now standing on a complete dark room.

There, in front of them, is the man who brought them here, he was calmly sitting and not even looking at them, he didn't take them seriously at all.

Of course, this made Sirzechs and Serafall frown, even though they are pretty easy-going and very approachable person, they still have their pride for being a Satan.

Suddenly, two cloaked figure behind Serafall, whch Sirzechs thought as her servants, ran towards the man, planning to attack him.

Sirzechs and Serafall didn't intervene, they wanted to test this man. If this man is strong enough to fight two Late Stage Ultimate Class devils, then they wouldn't make an enemy out of him.

After all, building some friendship to a Late Stage Ultimate Class Level is better than being friends with a family who doesn't even have any Ultimate Level devils.

Zekrall sighed seeing two devils planning to attack him, he decided, that if they went further than three meters away from him, then he will released a wave of death energy, killing them.

However, as the two devils reached exactly three meters away from him, they didn't move anymore and actually retreated in haste while breathing heavily.

Zekrall was impressed, their instincts was pretty sensitive. Their body unconsciously moved away as it knew that they would be killed of they took another step.

"Haa~ Haa~ Wh-What was that!?"

"M-My body just moved on its own!"

Even Sirzechs and Serafall was shocked by this. They immediately went beside the two and began checking their condition.

"Impressive." Zekrall said.

The devil look over to him, only to see him looking at them. His blood red eyes, his cold and emotionless face, just looking at it gave them the chills.

Even Sirzechs, who can terrify a god with just his aura on Humanoid-Destruction form, still feel a bit of fear after being look at those eyes.

"You two must've been forged through countless life-and-death battles. Your body is already strong enough to move on its own after it sense a threat to your lives."

Note Down Below, and some questions too. ↓↓↓↓↓

So I just wanted to ask, do you have any info about Serafall's servant and their abilities? Or rather, does she even have any?

If you have please comment, I really wanted to know.

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