Chapter 5

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It has been a few weeks since Zekrall gave Blake a second chance of life. He has been teaching her on how to properly control her magic, or rather her 'curse' that was given by him.

He brought her to his inner-world which he called Haven, and trained her there so that she would progress fast.

He also made her fight some Satan Level beasts and Super Level Beasts just so she would have some idea about the disparity between an Ultimate Class and a Satan Class.

It might just be a single rank, but the difference is like comparing a dirt to a gold.

Why do you think that Grayfia, despite having live for so long is still only at the level of a Peak Ultimate Class and still hasn't reach the Satan class yet?

And now, Zekrall was pretty sure that without using her Etherious form, Blake could go toe-to-toe with Grayfia, and if she utilizes her magic properly, can defeat her with a little trouble.

Currently, Zekrall and Blake was sitting on branch of pretty tall and large tree, observing a descent size mansion hundreds of meters away.

With his eyesight, Zekrall has no trouble seeing an ant a kilometer away, and Blake, who only has a better eyesight than most devils has no trouble seeing even a fly tens of kilometers away.

After all, she could just increase her sense of sight.

The reason why they are observing the mansion is, after gathering some information here and there, they found out that the devils who killed Blake's parents belongs to the house of Neberius.

Zekrall was also a bit interested, after all this is the time to find out about the timeline. Since the Neberius family is still here, it means that Kuroka still didn't went on a 'rampage'.

It could only mean one thing. It is either Kuroka and Shirone was just brought there, or it still wasn't the time for Kuroka to kill their master, and the last is, they aren't born yet.

Thinking up to this point, Zekrall turned his gaze at Blake, who noticed him staring and smiled at him. Zekrall just nodded and turn his gaze away.

Blake was already accustomed to Zekrall's behavior and didn't think much about it.

'It is possible that both Kuroka and Koneko are still wasn't born, and that Blake was supposed to be their mother. It is possibility, after all this is an altered world, and Blake has some similarities to both of them. Or could it be that they're just related?'

Suddenly, a powerful demonic energy was released on the mansion, it is on par with a an Early-Stage Ultimate Class.

'Could it be-'

There is only one person in the Neberius mansion who can pretty much have that much of a strength due to various experiments done unto her.

'Kuroka, so today's the day. The start of Nekoshou's annihilation.'

Zekrall can feel several life-force in the mansion disappearing, they are getting killed, one-by-one.

"I'll go for now, Lord Zekrall."


Then, with a black flash, Blake disappeared. Zekrall looked towards the horizon, noticing two Satan Class Devils approaching, with them are three Late-Stage Ultimate Class devil and one Peak-Stage Ultimate Class devil.

Zekrall frowned, he don't want them to interfere on his little follower's revenge.

He stood up from the tree, and a black colored wings appeared on his back, the wings were made from 100% black magic.

Then, he flew towards the direction of the Satans, wanting to intercept them.

He stopped a few miles away from the mansion and waited for the satans to arrived.

He doesn't have to wait long as two powerful aura suddenly appeared in front of him. The other four with them was strong, but not enough for him to pay attention to.

"None of you, are allowed to pass by here. Ignore my warnings and death shall await you."

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