Chapter 1: A new face (part 1)

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Shuichi's POV

The 'game' has finally ended, it's finally over. I still still feel the pain of loosing most of the 'participants', it was pure torture to see them go. I will never forget them.

Maki, Himiko and I stand and look at the supposed exit.

I want to go but it feels like a trap or like it's not, but at the same time, I want to know what's on the other side.

"We should probably rest first, we've been through a lot and Himiko is tired" Maki says while motioning us to lay in the grass.

The whole place has been blown to bits by Kiibo and all that there is left is rubble, so sleeping in the grass is the next best option.

Himiko fell asleep fast and Maki took a while but fell asleep after her, I just stayed up and looked at the sky. It was mesmerizing yet sad, to think that things can change so fast.

I started to think about everyone I had met here, my friends. As I was thinking about them, I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see an unfamiliar person. Startled by the sight of someone I don't know, I stood up. She seemed to be slightly shorter then me, her hair was pink, she had purple eyes with a pink tint to it. She had horns and a tail with a sharp heart-shaped tip.

"W-who are you and how did you get here?" I say a bit panicked

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"W-who are you and how did you get here?" I say a bit panicked.

"My name is Katy, how I got here doesn't matter" she says in a monotone voice. "Do you want to see your friends again?" She continues as she tilts her head and puts a hand up to her face.

"'See my friends' what do you mean?" I say a bit confused.

See my friends, but I can see Maki and Himiko and there is no way she means the ones that I lost. Unless she means the supposed outside world ones?

"I mean exactly what I said, you can see the friends you have lost again" she takes a step closer. "That seems too simple, what's the catch?" I think out loud.

"I guess it is more then just seeing them again, I will explain" she stops to clear her throat. "You'll need to take a seat since this is a lot to sink in" she jesters me to sit on a stone. I take a seat and let her know I'm ready.

"I am giving you the choice to go through alternate worlds to do something, well, you don't really have a choice to be honest and this isn't my doing, I don't have control over the worlds you will enter, I'm just here to help and guide you" she explains in her monotone voice.

"'Alternate worlds', you mean like pocket dimensions, paradoxes and parallel worlds, right?" I ask and she nods. "Well, something like that, but you got the idea of what is to come" Katy adds.

This still seems unreal, I mean, I don't even know her, but she's somehow here. "How am I supposed to know that you aren't lying?" I say, squinting my eyes a bit at her. She lets out a sigh and we teleport to different place. It seems to be a small planet with and odd coloured green grass, it seems to be breaking a bit with floating pieces of what seems to be made of the same planet. I look around shocked, no sight of Himiko or Maki.

"W-where are we and, what happened to Himiko and Maki?" I say in a panicked tone as I am in an unfamiliar place and we somehow teleported here.

"We're in place that is in between life and death, this world is kinda like a check point or a resting place to prepare yourself before you go into a new world" Katy says as she jumps onto one of the floating pieces of land.

I sit down, still in disbelief and shock, trying to calm down.

"You want to see your friends don't you?" She looks at me and tilts her head as she sits down.

"Yes, of course I do!" I say, a little louder then I wanted to. She smiles at this and stands up.

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear" As she says this, she points behind me. I turn around to see a door that wasn't there before and get up. I look at her confused.

"That is a door to a similar world to the one you were just in, I will join you this time since you need to get used to entering different worlds and stuff, there will be some changes and it could be anything" she jumps off the piece of land onto the planet I'm standing on and walks over to me.

"There will be some things you can't change, also, you're the only one that will be able to see me and I will only appear if you call my name, in case you forgot what it was, I will put a note in your pocket" she says, looking at me in the eyes. "Are you ready for what is to come?" She opens the door.

I just nod, not actually ready and before I know it, I'm pushed through to door and into pure darkness.


A/N: so, the next part of the chapter when he goes to the world, it will either be:

1. Everyone is genderbent.


2. Shuichi has cat ears and a tail.

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