Alternate universes side stories: part 1

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A/N: I will be writing more of these. They're not that important to the main story, but they do have some head canons to the main story. I didn't know what to do with the art, so have some fan service of Katy that nobody asked for.

There will most likely be at least two stories in these side stories parts each, maybe more, but it will never be one. So, 2 or more in each part is what I'm trying to say, depending on how long each story is.

Also, they could be of any AU, in each story. They will also be pretty short. The stories are still sorta like the main story since Shuichi remembers everything and Katy might appear in some, most likely not.


Bath time! (Kitsune AU)

Shuichi's POV

I woke up in the morning because someone was poking my face.

"Goooood morning sleepyhead! Your hair is such a mess" says a certain grape, his tail waging side to side. He is laying on top of me wearing a long sweater as pyjamas.

Oh, I remember now, he decided that we should have a sleep over in my room since there was a thunderstorm last night and I'm afraid of thunder.

"Of course it is, I just woke up" I said rubbing my eyes, "Can you get off, you're heavy". He giggles and doesn't budge, I frown and decide to 'go back to sleep' knowing that he is bored and wants attention. I close my eyes and relax, despite the fact that his weight is making it difficult for me to breath.

"Hey, don't go back to sleep!" He starts to poke my face again. I just keep my eyes closed, determined to go back to sleep. He starts pulling on my ears a bit but I stand my ground, well in this case, I lay on my bed. "Fiiinne, I'll get off, just please don't go back to sleep" he begged. I open my eyes just a bit to see that he's making a really cute face. I open my eyes completely and smile at him while blushing a bit.

"Alright, I'm awake, now get off please" I nudge the little trickster a bit. He rolls off onto the floor with a 'thud'. "A-are you okay!?" I sit up looking over at him. He's rubbing his butt and laughing, I laugh along with him. "I thought I would be able to land on my feet or my knees at least" he gets up, brushing himself off.

"Let's take a bath together!" He says with sparkles in his eyes. "W-what!?" I say, blushing a lot. "Yeah, I can wash your tail for you, it seems difficult to take care of, but I guess not as difficult as mine, but yours looks fluffier" he says while looking my tail then his own. "Ehe, I guess it is a little since my fur is longer" I say, admitting defeat.

He pulls me out of my bed and to the bathroom. I turn on the water and we wait a while, talking about whatever that comes to our minds. Once the bath was halfway and was at the right temperature, Kokichi put in a green bath bomb. After the bath was filled to a good level, we took off our clothes and entered it.

"Haaah, This feel so nice" I say, sinking in the water a bit. "Yeaaah, baths are always so relaxing~" he agrees. We stay silent, enjoying the warm bath and each other's company. I felt a little embarrassed about this but it was relaxing. Kokichi reaches over and grabs a comb that was on a shelf close to the bath. "Let me comb your tail for you~" he says, sitting up a bit more. I nod and turn around, lifting my tail out of the water for him to comb.

He starts combing my tail and I found this very relaxing. He hummed random tune while he combed my tail.

Depending on what I'm going to do during the day, I would usually take a shower, but a bath once in a while is nice and relaxing. Maybe I should have baths with Kokichi more often, the company is nice.

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