Chapter 1: that wasn't supposed to happen.. (Part 4)

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A/N: lots of angst and gore warning!!! :D



Shuichi's POV

I wake up but I'm surrounded by something and I can't see because my face was covered. I move myself back from whatever was in front of me only to realize that I was cuddling Kokichi. I look around and notice that this not my room.

He still seems to be asleep, I don't want to move but this is embarrassing.

I then remembered something and put my hand on my head, I'm still wearing my hat luckily. I want to get up but Kokichi has his arms wrapped around me, so I stay. After a while of panicking and wondering what to do, I hear Kokichi make a noise and he opens his eyes.

I freeze as we make eye contact for a few minutes. I admire his eyes because of how beautiful they are. "So, are we just gonna stare at each other or..?" Kokichi speaks, a little quiet. "A-ah" I say as I start to get up but get pulled back down. "Can we just stay like this for a while longer, I don't wanna get up" he says in whiny tone. I lay down in a more comfortable position and let him cuddle me. I can feel my face redden.

We stayed like that until he decided that he was hungry. "Let's change and got eat breakfast together!" Kokichi's eyes sparkle as he says that. I nod and head back to my room to change, as I was about to open my door, I heard someone. "P-Pooichi just left the shota's room!?" Miu said to herself loudly, I turn around at this.

"You two f***ed didn't you? Hah, I new you were gay from the moment I saw you, with gorgeous and genius mind like mine, you can just tell these things" she bragged. I tilted my head, "what do you mean? We just slept together" I said, not understanding what she meant. She just laughed and kept calling me gay then left.

I turned back to my door, still confused with the interaction I just had and opened my door. I went in and got changed, once I finished, I exited and headed to Kokichi's room. I knocked on his door and it swung open, I jumped back reflexively. "Let's eat!" He grinned and latched onto my arm, making my face heat up a bit. "W-wait, before we go, I need to do something" I said, gesturing for him to let go and he did. I told him to wait a moment before entering my room and immediately heading to the bathroom.

"Hey, umm, Katy" I call out to the demon girl. She appeared right beside me in a blink of an eye. "You called" she said in her usual monotone voice. "Ah, yes.. I was wondering, since the last time in my world, I took off my hat after the first trial, is it one of those things that would make a big change if I didn't this time?" I asked as she tilted her head, thinking for a bit.

"Why, yes it would, but I guess things would still change even if you took it off, it is your choice, stay in hiding or reveal your true self" she said while walking behind me and making me face the mirror and taking off my hat. "You need to think of what would not happen, usually people say the opposite but, this is advice I am giving you, things that people think wouldn't happen could still happen" she says while looking at the hat in her hands. "I guess that's true.." I mumble, starting to think of things that could happen.

If I enter the dining hall while revealing my cat ears and tail, would people see me differently? Would they fear me? Or would they still like me? Seeing as cats are cute and it's unusual for people to have what I have, there's a possibility that they would see me as a monster, but there's also the possibility that they would be curious and intrigued.

I thought for a few minutes but soon made up my mind as Katy gave back my hat. I place it on the counter, taking my tail out and exited my bathroom. "..Good choice" she said as I left, before disappearing. I walk up to my door and hesitate, my hand hovering over the nob. I take in a shaky breath and calm myself down before opening my door.

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