meeting little maia

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lucas pov

I love maya and there's no way am letting her go. so am taken plan b. plan something unforgettable that well make her say yes wish is why I needed riley and jaden also farkel. I told them to meet me in the library. maya had no idea what was going on. I saw her at her locker looking in the mirror she stare hard at herself then slammed the locker on it. I hope she's not feeling insecure about her looks because she's beautiful with no doubt. she was wearing a sweatpants and a hoodie with her boots with all that the girl still look like an angel. I walk up to her and lean my back on the next locker to hers. hey cowboy you still hate me she ask looking at me. I honestly don't know maya I answer. well if you hate me am sorry am just having a hard time she said. Maya why are you doing this I ask. what she ask. hidden how you feel to make other feel better I snapped. lucas it's nothing like that okay she said. it seems like it, it looks like you don't care about how anyone else feel but you instead on doing this because of riley I said shaking my head. don't talk about things you don't know she said running her hands in her hair. ooh I know maya you don't care about me or yourself but care about how riley feels and riley isn't against this I snapped. am snapping at her because she's getting on my nerves. well who asked you to fall for me not every girl are easy to get she snapped. your right I should forget this and I well I said in angry about to walk away. lucas am sorry I don't know where that came from she said. no am going to do what you ask me to do if it's what makes you happy I said walking away but she grab my arms. please don't she said rubbing her forehead. let go maya I snapped. am sorry okay my life is just complicated and I don't know much about relationships she said. you just don't want to be with me I said half smiling. that's most definitely not true do you understand I love Lucas I really do but with all this going I can't be in a relationship she said walking away. did I just get rejected? yeah that's right I did. the day went by fast. it's now time to meet the guys and talk about how to get that Blondie in my arms.

maya pov

I honestly feel like a bitch rejecting him every opportunity. but it's the best for him he deserves someone amazing and not worthless just like him someone better than me. riley and the rest of the guys been acting weird all day I honestly don't know why but whatever. after school I was thinking on going home. I was walking down the street and saw the Shawn guy with a women she had a dark skin and black hair with a little girl standing besides her. I walk up to them. I love kids. hey shawn I said looking at him. he smiled happily at me. hey maya this is Angela he said pointing at the woman she was beautiful with a dark skin and a bright smile and chocolate eyes. now I see why he left his daughter for her. hey sweetie she said hugging me. hi I said smiling. Shawn told me a lot about you she said pinching my cheek. he give her a look. how much of a good friend you are with riley she said wish got me confused. ooh thanks I said confused. hi am maia the little girl said. she was about 4 years old. I kneel down in front her. aww just like me, am Maya I said shaking her little hands. you look pretty maya I like your hair she said twirling my hair. I like yours too I said. she had a black hair like her mother. I wish you were my sister she said. me too I said. daddy said I have a sister but she's not ready for us to get in her life she said. am sure when she sees you she's going to love you I said. do you really think so she ask. yes your the most adorable thing every I said pinching her cheeks. she giggle and threw her little hands around my neck. I like you she said kissing my cheek. I like you too maia I said picking her up and kiss her nose. I wish I had a little sister. well look at the time maia I have to go I wish I could stay but I can't I said putting her down. daddy can I please go with her she ask turing to Shawn with puppy dog eyes. if its cory go ahead he said kissing her cheek. and maia jump up and down. yay we can have a sleep over she said. sure I said taken her hands. bye daddy and mommy she said. they wave and blew kisses. we will pick you up tomorrow tell auntie Topanga hi Angela said. okay mommy maia said. I pick her up and we walk together. when we got home everyone came to maia hugging her. hey sweetie Topanga said picking her up. hey auntie Topanga mommy said hi maia said. awww Topanga said hugging her to her chest. how did you find her riley ask. I saw her dad and mom I guess she likes me and wanted to come with me I said smiling. off course she likes you ever kids likes you riley said rolling her eyes playfully. I guess so I said. so you meant Angela cory ask nervously. yeah she's great I said. you like her Topanga ask hopefully. off course she's nice and sweet I said. ooh good Cory said relieve. Topanga made dinner. we all sat and eat. after eating I took maia for a shower and give her one of my shirt to sleep in. she lay in my bed cuddle up with me. I want you to be my sister she said yawning. awww me too sweetie I said. she came closer to me and close her eyes. I did the same wrapping my arms around this cute thing in front me.

author note

hey readers. in this chapter maya meets Angela how exciting that little maia doesn't know maya is her big sister well maybe. isn't she the cutest thing ever. well read comment and vote I well update tomorrow. sorry for the late update love you all!!!!!!

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