the prom queen

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maya pov

I woke up with my alarm going off. I crack my eyes open as the sunlight from the window hits my face. I quickly got up rubbing my eyes. I went in the shower. after my shower I wore ny sweater and my leggings then let my hair fall down my shoulder. I took a hard look at myself in the mirror. I put on my mascara and my lip gloss. when I went in the kitchen I was surprise to find ariana sitting there. hey ariana I called out reaching  her. she quickly got up and pulled me in a tight hug. hey maya miss me she ask. who wouldn't I said. well I just came to say goodbye am leaving for L.A. she said. your leaving I ask holding in my tears. yeah I have to finish recording my songs am really going to miss you girls she said looking at riley who was already crying. well I guess this is goodbye I said pulling her in a hug. is not goodbye now stop being so emotionally cory said. honey let them have there moments Topanga said hitting his arms playfully. I hugged her tightly as I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. come here girls group hug she said looking at riley. she quickly got up and join the hug. hey don't cry am going to see you again and besides you can come visit just inform me when you do she said. okay we said together as I whip my tears. now please stop with the tears she said pulling us in another hug. when she pulled away we walk out of the apartment. when we got outside ariana hug us one last time then got in her car and drove off. I can't believe she's gone I said leaning my head on riley shoulder. I know it seems like yesterday she was here to perform in town square then stay for 3 years riley said. yeah am really going to miss her I said fake smiling. hey cheer up we have 2 months left of school let's make it last because we well never get that moment back she said. yeah your right we should be focused on this last 2 months before the tears part I said. good she said taken my hands as we walk to the subway. we got on the train and saw no Lucas or jaden. am glad they aren't here I wasn't ready to be asked why I was crying. when we got to school I went in the bathroom to fix my face . after that I went to my locker and open it. as I was taken my books a beautiful face appear in my mirror on my locker. then his arms went around my waist as he kissed my shoulder and lean his chin on my shoulder. what's wrong beautiful he ask staring at me from the mirror. nothing I whisper shutting my eyes to see if all this can just stop, I don't want everything moving on so fast I just want to be 14 again and have ariana as my friend but cory Said there's always going to be changes in your life and does changes makes you stronger. don't tell me is nothing when you know is something Lucas said turing me around. look I just want all this to stop everything is happening too fast I want time to stop I said opening my eyes to his handsome face. maya this is life you can't be little forever you going to grow up and things have to change but you can't let does changes get to you okay he said leaning closer to me. okay I said cracking a smile. he was going to kiss me but off course riley ruined it. hey no lips touching is school she said. I roll my eyes as Lucas pulled away. hey what do you think of this picture of maya riley said handing Lucas a poster. what!!!! I ask. ooh we were putting a new picture of you up and taken the other one down Lucas said smiling his cheeky smile. let me see that I said snatching the poster from him as I rap it apart. what's wrong with you he ask a little annoyed. I don't want to be no dam prom queen I said rolling my eyes. but maya your already in the compation riley said. and am dropping out I said smirking. no you can't if you do then missy well win riley said rolling her eyes. so what am not going to patented am a princess I said. your a princess to us mine princess Lucas said wrapping his arms around my waist. awww you guys are so cute but a little disgusting riley said. we all laughed. so maya prom is only a week away I think is time for us to go dress shopping riley said. I can go with a jeans and t-shirt I said. she give me a are you serious look. or a big puffy dress I said. that's more like it she said walking away. so babe you wouldn't mind if I wear a jeans and t-shirt to the prom would you I ask turing in his arms as my hands around his neck. um he said trying find the words. Lucas!! I whine as I hit his arms. I was kidding princess I don't care what you wear you look beautiful in anything he said kissing the Conner of my mouth then pulled away. does that mean I can wear it I ask joking with him. maya baby I love you but please don't he said shaking his head. hahah I knew you were going to say that besides you well be embarrassed of me I said running my hands through his hair. am never embarrassed of you, why would I be your beautiful and pretty sexy he said winking at me. I slap his arms again and look down embarrassed. ooh and maya there's something I been meaning to ask you he said kneeling down. my heart was rising my pam was sweating.please don't be proposing I said to myself.  maya claim down baby am not proposing he said chuckling. hahah very funny I knew that I said playing along. he grab on my hands with one hand and reach behind him with the other one. he took out a bunch of rose and hold it in his other hands. maya heart well you do me the honor and go to prom with me he ask. can I scream I ask. anything you want he said. yes,yes,yes and yes I scream wrapping my arms around his neck he stood up and pick me off the floor as he spin me around. I was finally down on my feet, I smashed my lips on his as my hands went in his hair. maya,Lucas stop sucking each other face and get to class someone scream. we pulled away and turned around just to see riley who face was in disgusted. says a girl who's always touching jaden I said wrapping my arms around Lucas waist as I lean my head on his chest. at least I don't do it in the hallway, now would you come to class or daddy is going to come out here and embarrass you she said walking back in the classroom. Lucas pulled back a little and show me the roses. I unwrapped my hands from his waist as I took the roses away and kiss his cheek. thank you this means a lot to me I said smiling at him. and you mean everything to me he said kissing my forehead. get to class we heard another scream. Lucas lick his lips laughing then grab my free hands. we walk together to history. when we got to class everyone sat down. hey class today we well be talking about college essays cory said. now many of you are done with your college essays wish is good because is already in but I got one college essay yesterday from ms heart and I say you did a wonderful job he said smiling at me. really I ask shocked. yes you give more details and you wrote it on a important topic I think any college you well be applying to well pick you he said. even NYC I ask looking at Lucas back. even NYC, but maya why would you want to go there? is not even where you want to go he said. I just don't know how to say goodbye that's all I said shaking my head. maya you don't have to say goodbye just say hi I well see you soon he said. nice way to lighten up the moment I say rolling my eyes. am serious if you can't say bye just say see you soon he said. okay I said tucking a stand of hair behind my ear. after school riley and I was going dress shopping. am not really excited about this shopping thing. jaden agree to drop us since Lucas had somewhere to go. 10 minutes with riley and jaden not keeping their hands of each other makes you wanna punk. we finally got to the mall before I could throw up in the car. we were looking through the dresses. Riley show me something that really caught my eyes. she showed me a pink and black dress with a design In front of it the side was split but in the most sexy way the side of the dress shows your legs . I wanna it I said grabbing it from her. Riley pick a purple dress with a bowl behind it and it stop her at her knees I had to admit it was really hot on her. I got a black heels. after shopping jaden came back to drop us off again. I can't wait for prom but I also don't want things to go fast. when we got home I was surprise to see Shawn and Angela with maia there. what are you guys doing here I said putting my bags down. were sleeping over Angela said opening her arms for me to hug her. I went in her arms and hug her tightly. I miss you guys I said hugging shawn then pick maia up and hug her. aww we miss you too Shawn said. Angela told me to leave dinner with she and Topanga so I can get more information on the college's I apply to and wish one I well pick. when dinner was ready I went down they made my favorite food lasagna. when dinner was over we cleaned the table me and riley. then I went to take a shower after taken a shower I tucked maia i and auggie in .then went back in my room. I was laying down with my headphones in as riley was studying for her test. I was about to close my eyes but my phone Buzz. a text massage from my baby

Lucasboo- hey baby sorry about not coming with you but how was it?

to Lucasboo- terrible 10 minutes with riley and jaden I wanted to punk

from Lucasboo-  lol was it that bad?

to Lucasboo- trust me it was awful but on the bright side I found the perfect dress

from Lucasboo- can you send me a picture?

to Lucasboo- nice try but is a surprise

from Lucasboo- ooh your no fun

to Lucasboo- whatever you say babe, anyways am tired good night you big baby

from Lucasboo- I might me a big baby but am your big baby

to Lucasboo- whatever helps you sleep at night.

from Lucasboo- admit it you love me.

to Lucasboo- sure

from Lucasboo- say it baby

to Lucasboo- I love you

from Lucasboo- that's more like it good night beautiful love you

to Lucasboo- love you too and sweet dreams.

and after my 20 minutes fighting with that boy over the phone I plug in my phone then lay down on my back. I look at riley bed she was already sleeping. I close my eyes and went fast to sleep

author note

hey guys since I was getting bored out of my mind I decided to update. anyways I hope you like this chapter please vote leave comments you guys are the best, you supported me in this book and is sad that it's about to end. anyways bye love you all!!!

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