nominated for prom queen

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maya pov

I woke up by my phone Buzzing. I quickly open my eyes and pick up my phone I look at the caller ID just who I didn't want to talk to. talk to me I said through the phone. hey beautiful Lucas said. um excuse me is that why you woke me up I ask trying not to get mad that he interrupt my sleep. no but get dressed am coming he said. why I ask. school remember he said. ugh I forgot that I well be dressed by 20 minutes I said. okay babe love you he said. love you too I said hanging up. I got up and wrap my towel around me as I went in the bathroom. after taking my shower I went back and wore my black Jeans with my purple shirt and covered my arms with my sweater by wearing it. I put my hair in a messy pun and put on my mascara then my red lips stake. I grab my bag and phone then went downstairs. I went in the kitchen and saw riley,cory,Topanga,and auggie eating pancakes. hey guys I said sitting down. maya pancakes Topanga said. ooh no thanks I already have my makeup on am not messing it up I said smiling but she give me a hard look. ooh let me help you with that cory said taken the napkin and whip my lips. hey I said annoyed. Topanga honey would you please give maya a pancake he ask avoiding what I said. definitely she said handing me a plat of pancakes. I hate you I said playfully to cory. ooh I just did you a favor you should love me he said. you didn't you just made it harder for me I said. he was about to argue back but Topanga stop him. seriously cory your going to argue with her she ask. your right she's still a baby he said smiling at me. am 17 people I said annoyed. riley started laughing. hey what's funny about them treating me like a baby I said looking at her. welcome to my world she said grabbing her bag and walk out. bye guys I said kissing each of their cheeks. bye maya auggie said shoving pancake in his mouth. I giggle and walk out. when we got out riley said she was riding with jaden wish means is just me and Lucas. I quickly put on my lips gloss as I approached his car. I opened the front door and enter the car. hi I said kissing his cheek as put my seatbelt on. hey he said stepping on the gas. you look gorgeous he said looking my way. first of all keep your eyes on the road second is just a jeans with t-shirt not a dress I said rolling my eyes. do i look like I care what It is? I love whatever you wear he said smirking as he kept driving. I hate when your right I said looking out the window. I know I always win he said as he grab my hands with his free hands. you wish you did I said looking at him. jealous much he said looking at me. am not jealous and keep your eyes on the road I want to live, go to college and get married I said smirking like I just won this whole thing. he roll his eyes and crack a laugh. we finally got to school. we walk in school hands in hands. except I wasn't expecting him to follow me at my locker. when we got to my locker I drop his hands and open my locker. his hands wrapped around my waist and he lean his chin on my shoulder watching me. don't you have a locker to go to I said turing around in his arms. I definitely forgot he said. yeah yeah sure you did I said laughing. you distract me all the time he said leaning in. but before he could kiss me jaden grab his hoodie and pulled him away. sorry maya but me and lover boy have to talk he said dragging Lucas behind him. bye baby he mounted me. I just wave as they disappear in the Conner. I took my book and started walking down the hallway but I saw something I wasn't supposed to see. a picture of yesterday when the dirty water got flashed on me and it had voted for maya heart for prom queen. the angry was building in me. I rap the paper apart and rise down the hallway to find riley,Lucas and jaden they know about this. and am going to kill each one of them. I wasn't mad about the prom queen thing but that picture set me off. when I find them the three of them were talking. you,you and you who did it I scream as I approached them. not us they said together. then how do you explain that picture from yesterday and who the hell nominated me for prom queen I ask. missy did riley said. but missy wasn't there when that picture got token I said rolling my eyes. she must have went in my locker and took the camera riley said. don't your locker has a code I ask raising my eyebrows. yes but is my birthday anyone can guess that she said. so missy did this I ask. yeah I over heard her saying it Lucas said. that bitch is going to get it I said storming off. wait maya don't do anything riley said screaming behind me. no she crossed the line I said. babe listen to her don't get yourself in trouble Lucas scream as they were all following me. when I saw her she was talking to her friends laughing I took no minutes but pushed her against the locker. you bitch what the fuck do you want from me I scream in her face. maya get of me ewww she said trying to pushed me away. I told you to stay out of my life and you still keep trying to get under my skin what the fuck do you want from me huh tell me you little bitch I said pushing her harder. maya let her go Lucas said trying to pulled me away but my hands got tightly on missy. stop it your hurting me she whined. I warn you to stop messing with me but you just don't listen do you I ask fake laughing. maya I said let her go Lucas said pulling on my waist. let me repeat myself you little dum bitch, am not that same maya you used to know that one you made run away crying the one you told she has no one who loves her am a different maya and if you mess with me again I swear missy on my dead grandmother I well beat the heaven shit out of you I said smirking. maya listen to Lucas let her go jaden said. don't tell me what to do this bitch been doing this since I entered middle school am sick of her shit she needs to get it through her head that she can keep walking all over me I said giving her one last pushed but she slapped me across the face. did you just slap me I ask getting ready to beat the living shit out of this human standing in front of me but Lucas pulled me behind him. that's enough do you understand he said looking at me. am sorry missy she shouldn't have pushed you like that he said grabbing my arms as he dragged me in the closet. what the hell were you thinking he ask locking the door. I was thinking I could give her piece of my mind I said. maya are you trying to get yourself expelled he ask. she should have mind her business I said crossing my arms as I bit on my lips. I get it she did something wrong but that doesn't give you the right to go threaten her he said. are you seriously taken her side on this, Lucas that girl made my life miserable since I entered middle school am so sick of it I seriously can't believe you taken her side I said trying to pushed him out of my way so I can get out. am not taken any side I just don't want you in a fight he said. I don't care what you want I just want her to leave me alone I said tears rolling down my cheeks. I know you do but this is not the way of showing it he said trying to whip my tears but I slapped his hands away. don't touch me I said coldly. would you stop being so freaking complicated am trying to keep you safe don't you see what she did to your face he said getting mad. I would have did the same if you would have let me I said. you think am going to stand there and watch you fight when I know your going to get hurt he ask. look I just want her to leave me alone am tired of it I said. believe me I understand that but you can't go around fighting promise me you won't he said. but she started it I said whining. maya am not playing with you he said getting annoyed. fine fine I won't fight her I said. good now let's get your face check out he said opening the door. am okay alright I don't need a nurse I said. fine he said leaning in and kiss me softly. he pulled away and grab my hands as we walk to the class. am going to deal with missy later am not letting her get away with this. after school me and riley stay for a little more hours to get pictures of the students. then we went home. I helped with dinner. we ate and I went upstairs to research colleges in L.A.. after finding some colleges I was interested in. I plug my phone to the charger and fell asleep.

author note

hey guys this is the update for today I hope you like it. am not going to update during the weekend I have a guest coming to my house. so you might get an update on Monday. love you all remember to vote and comments.

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