I just can't

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maya pov
I woke up again with the alarm going off. riley are you up I whisper. yeah are you she ask. I don't wanna wake up I said yawning. we have no choice she said. I open my eyes and saw her putting her hair in a mess pun. I roll over and got my phone to check the time. it was 8:50 and we are supposed to be to school at 9:00. oh my god riley we are I late I said getting up quickly. as I rise to the bathroom. I took like 15 seconds shower. got out and got dressed. I was wearing one of my leggings  with my jeans short over it with one of my sweatshirt then I wore my black boots and put my hair straight down my back. after getting dressed I ran downstairs. girls what you want for breakfast topanga ask. no time for that we are running late I said grabbing riley hands as I pulled her out the door with me. we got to the subway and got on the train. the first person I saw was Lucas and this boy with curly puffy hair when he turn to us he look straight at riley smiling cheeky. ooh maya look who's there she said hitting my shoulder. I see him I said grabbing her hands. how do I  act cool about this she ask. just be yourself I said as we walk towards Lucas and the boy. hey Lucas I said. ooh hey ma'ma he said. hi Lucas riley said smiling at the boy. hi Lucas said. ooh this is jaden he just moved here and he's going to our school Lucas said pointing at the boy. hey jaden am maya and this little adorable thing is riley I said smiling at him. hi is nice to meet you both he said looking at riley who couldn't stop smiling. am so glad they are hitting it off so now Lucas is off limits. but I still couldn't date him am worthless. we all talked the entire train ride. we finally got to school. and went to our lockers. so riley you like jaden huh I ask wiggling my eyebrows. puf no she said looking down at her feet she was blushing hard. you so like him I said giggling. do not she said taken out her history book. yes you do I said poking her cheek. maya you better not talk about this around him she said walking away. I knew I still couldn't date Lucas because riley is my best friend and she had a crush on him so I have to stick with the rules. I took out my books and went to class. when I got in the class I saw cory introducing jaden who was smiling with all his dimples out. he was pretty cute but I only love Lucas. wait what am I saying? I don't love Lucas my brian said. after jaden talk he sat back down in his seat wish was behind farkel. okay class today we well be getting in our groups since we have a new student I well add him to riley group cory said wiggling his eyebrows at riley. ooh mister Matthews don't be a girl I said. am not he said in a girly voice. I giggle and started drawing in my sketch book. okay everyone go with your partners we well be going places and asking people to volunteer he said. each partners go to different place he said. I grab my phone from my bag and went go Lucas and missy. missy was on her phone. she likes Lucas and well do anything to get with him. we walk in silent Lucas was holding the paper and his attention was just on me when I catch him staring he just give me his smile the looks away mean why ms drama queen is in the back putting on lipstick. we were quite for quite long until missy broke it. so Lucas wanna go catch a movie sometimes she ask. Lucas sent me a melting smile then look back at her. am sorry missy I can't my mom needs me he said. okay whatever she said rolling her eyes. I don't why but I just bust out laughing. I felt sorry that he rejected her but it felt good to see missy get rejected and also funny. why are you laughing little miss broken girl she said sending me death stare. nothing and that's not my name I said. with what you are wearing no one needs to know your name she said. at least am not the one who got rejected I said smirking at her. I never liked him she said. yeah explains everything missy I said rolling my eyes. aww are you sad that your daddy and mommy left you she said poking out her lips. well get over it they never loved you and either well riley family no body loves you she added coldly. I felt the tears running down my cheeks. how did she know. you don't know anything about my life so don't be saying things like that to me missy I wish you would just die god I hate you so much I said and with that I ran anywhere my feet took me. I ran and ran till I finally stop under the subway station. I sat down crying in my hands. few minutes later I felt a hand on my back. I look up and saw a guy who was about cory age. are you okay he ask. yeah I said whipping my tears. may I seat he ask. yes sure I said. he sat down and look at me. am shawn by the way he said. am maya heart I said. ooh maya that's a beautiful name he said. thanks I said. so why are you crying maya he ask. because one girl told me my father and mother left me because they didn't love me I said holding back my tears. am sorry maya I would have feel the same way because I left one of my girlfriend pregnant with my child and got married to the love of my life angela he said. how curled I said. I know I made the biggest mistake of my life and now am looking for her so I can take my daughter away he said. you well find her just keep looking I said half smiling at him. thanks where is your mom and dad he ask. well my dad left me and my mom before she had me and she left me on Sunday she went to make her acting dreams come true I said. am sorry what's her name he ask. kate heart I said. he was shocked like he knew her. you mean kate heart he ask. yeah that's what I just said I said confused. am sorry maya I have to go he said getting up quickly and left. bye I yell out to him. I wonder what was his problem it's like he knew who my mom was. I got up and started walking back home. am not ready to face missy again. I was walking when I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I turned around and saw Lucas I quickly pushed his arms off. hey cowboy I said printed that nothing happened. are you okay maya he ask. am fine but I can't continue am sorry I just can't face her I said. am sorry I let her say does things to you he said he said giving me his half smile. it's fine she was just being her old self curled and mean I said putting my hands in my pocket. so you going home he ask looking down at my hands. yeah am going to let riley and cory know am going home since topanga is home I said. want me to walk you home he ask. it's okay it's not dark I can walk by myself I said. maya I hope you know I just want to be friends he said. I know Lucas I just can't am sorry I said getting on my tip toes and kiss his cheek softly i walked away. I couldn't be friends with the boy am falling in love with. I text riley and cory that I had a meltdown and was going home. when I got home topanga was asking me all these questions wish I answer. she made me tea. after drinking my tea I went in my room and started sketching again. the picture turn out to be the guy I saw at the subway station. What's his name again. yeah shawn. I close my book and lay down closing my eyes. I fell asleep thinking about everything that happened today.
author note
okay am back and I just thought why not make another chapter. thanks for reading this book thank you all my readers. this tv show is my favorite tv show am like the biggest fan of it. I well really appreciate it if you vote and comments on what you think of the story. anyways thanks again I well update tomorrow. love you all.

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