3 years later, don't run away

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maya pov

so it's been about 3 years  now. am 17 now and am a senior. me and Lucas our relationship is growing stronger, I love that boy so much he takes care of me and loved me. me and riley well what can I say she's still my crazy best friend almost like a sister.  farkel and jaden are like my brothers. Topanga and Cory still takes care of me like my mom and dad. me and Shawn have grown so close I trust him with my life and he looks after me like his own daughter. Angela always looks after me too like her daughter. am even friends with ariana I remember that night on my birthday she give us her number me and riley called her and we hung out and became really close friends, it's crazy being ariana grande friend because of the hates her fans throws at us but we never stop loving her she's like a big sister to me and riley. so here I am walking down the street hands in hands with Lucas. he was taken me to the coffee shop since we haven't spent the weekend together. I spent every weekend with the hunters they are like a family Angela is like my mother she doesn't like to see me hurt and she takes care of me also maia is my Angela my little boo she's like my little sister. auggie well always be my little brother no matter what. am not ready to leave all of them behind for college am just not ready to let go. I was deep in my thoughts until Lucas took me out. maya he said looking down at me. hmmm I said. I asked you something but you didn't answer he said. sorry baby I was just thinking I said looking up at him. about what exactly he ask. life I guess I said. maya he whined. fine I was thinking about college and going away I said giving up. and what about it he ask moving a stand of hair behind my ear. god he ask too many questions sometimes is annoying sometimes I think is sweet that he cares so much. I was just thinking about how I don't want to leave all of this behind, my life, my friends and family you I said looking down my feet. hey look at me he said lifting my chin up. he plant a soft kiss on my lips then lean his forehead on mine. am not saying good bye to you and neither well your friends he said. okay I nod smiling as I hug him tightly. we got to the coffee shop and surprisingly saw riley, jaden,farkek. we sat down at their table. okay what are you guys doing here I ask confused. well hello to you too Blondie jaden said rolling his eyes playfully as he played with riley hair. that's exactly what she meant Lucas said. don't tell him what I meant I said punishing his arms playfully. he lean down and kiss my nose. could you guys stop please we are here for something reilly said a little annoyed. okay fine ms Matthews why are you here I ask leaning my head on Lucas shoulder. I have a job for all of you for our last year of high school she said opening her book. am out I said before she could start. Lucas give me the look telling me to let her finish. no even if you tell me what the job is I can't do it I still have to finish my college essay and I also need to research on colleges I said shaking my head. but maya this job is really easy and I have no one to do it everyone in school bill on me you guys are all I have to help me she said pleading. what's the job I ask giving in. the year book picture you just have to take pictures of the seniors and I well fix the year book she said handing me a camera. I hate you I said rolling my eyes. yay I love you thank you so much, one job out of the way she said. Lucas jaden I was wondering if you could help missy do the prom decorations and look for where we should have it she said. everyone was looking at me now. what I ask. are you okay with it Lucas ask. yeah besides just one more year and I don't have to deal with that bitch anymore I said. he wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my shoulder. I won't do anything with her besides jaden is there so I don't have to talk to her he said. hey it's fine am not going to tell you who your not allowed to talk to I said. okay he said with his chin on my shoulder. farkel can you do the food for the prom your not buying them all you have to do is just see wish food everyone well like and how much she said. I can do that farkel said. great and I can still do the prom tickets and year book she said. why are you stressing about this I ask. because is our last year and I want it to be a year that everyone can remember she said. well am definitely going to remember riley stressing over a stupid dance I said rolling my eyes. hey this stupid dance means the world to me she said standing up. okay okay am sorry I well help as much as I can I said. thank you she said sitting down. so have you apply to any college yet Lucas ask looking at me. nah am still looking at the choices I want to go somewhere a little nice and far I said. how about L.A. we can all apply to the same college there riley said. great idea I always wanted to go to college there I said. or New Jersey Lucas said. nah that's too close. or NYC he said again. not my type I said. ooh was all he said. something is missing here Lucas is not always like this when we talk about college. wait a minute did you apply to NYC I ask looking at him. he look down. how could you? without even telling me you know I can't afford to go there I said. maya he was about to say but I cut him off. you already apply and your acting like we well never say goodbye god i hate you right now I said standing up. please listen I don't have to go if you don't want me to he said. whatever I said standing up and started to walk out but off course the bitch had to make it worst. hey year book picture taker take my picture missy said posing. I turn around angry building in me as I snap the picture I was about to walk out but she stop me again. another one she said. look am not in the mood okay I said. what's the matter the cutie broke up with you aww broken girl she said smirking. she was really starting to get on my nerves. I walk closer to her. listen here missy am not that same maya you used to know the broken one and the one that can't stand up for herself, so do yourself a god dam favor stay out of my business or we well have a problem I said smirking as I walk out. she just thought am that maya that she can walk all up on me. the cold air hit my face I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I was hurt and it wasn't that he didn't tell me is the fact that I had to say goodbye to him when this year end. and is the hardest thing to do. I was walking faster when I heard my heels crack. just fucking great first I find out my boyfriend is going to a school I can't go and I had to face the bitch and now my shoes broke in the middle of the road can this day get any worst?. a car speed by and dirty water came flashing on me. I guess it can get worse I said angrily. I sat on the chair at the bus stop then took off my shoes. the heels under my shoes was broken. I whip the camera and put it in my backpack then put my shoes down. my body was frozen and my hair was wet from the dirty water. I just sat there and put my head down in my lap crying. I know am suppose to be brave but every time the thought of Lucas leaving get in my head tears just came down my face. I felt a hand rub my back wish made me jump. maya please look at me I heard a voice. that voice, I know that voice and I don't want to hear that voice right now. go away Lucas I whisper through my tears. I won't leave until you talk to me he said still running his fingers down my back. well then I guess am going to leave I said lifting my head up. I stand up and took my bag and shoes and started walking away. maya stop he said running behind me. I kept walking. maya please stop he said finally catching up with me, he grab my hands for me to stop walking. stop he said again catching his breath. stop what I biting on my lips to stop the tears. stop trying to run away from me he said whipping the tears. I slap his hands away. don't do that I said backing away from him. do what he ask coming towards me. your trying to get your way in after you hurt me I said shaking my head. maya it was just something I was trying out is not like am getting in he said. stop lying your smart your going to get in and am not I said. maya even if I do get in do you really think I well risk everything we have to go to some stupid school he ask this time reaching for my hand and this time I let him take it. I don't want to say goodbye please don't make me I said standing up on my hee. he came close and lean down and pressed a kiss on my lips. he pulled away and lean his forehead on mine as our noses brush. I never want to say goodbye and am not going to because am going to any college you can afford to go to he said. I smashed my lips on his and kiss him roughly. I pulled away smiling at him. I love you so much he whisper. I love you too baby I said wrapping ny arms around his waist. maya what happened to you, your covered in dirty water he said touching the side of my face. that's what happens when your having a bad day I said. am sorry princess but you seriously need to stop running off like that he said. I will try I said kissing his chin. may I see that camera he ask. sure I said confused. I took out the camera and hand it to him. he points the camera at me as he snap a picture. prefect picture for the year book he said smirking. no please no Lucas please I pleaded trying to reach for the camera but he pulled it behind him. hey guys someone said from behind us. I turn around and saw riley and jaden holding hands. ooh my god what happened riley ask coming towards us. it involves in car and dirty water I said. hey riley I have a picture for the year book Lucas said handing riley the camera. no riley you can't put that in the year book I said. why not I like it she said laughing. is not even funny promise me you won't put that in the year book I said. I promise she said smiling. good I said reaching for Lucas hands. give me your hands I said smirking. he knew I had something up my sleeve but give me his hands. I brought his hands up to my mouth. he thought I was going to kiss it but instead I bit it. ouch he scream out in pain. I started backing away laughing. Riley and jaden join in and started laughing. your not going to get away with that he said pointing at me as he began to come closer. that's what you get for snapping picture of me when I ask you not to I said and started running. am going to get you for that he scream chasing after me. let's see about that I said. how did you learn to run so fast I remember back in sophomore year you were the worst runner he scream. remember am not the Same maya I have changed I scream back. I finally stop to catch my breath. I felt my waist being pulled backwards and an arms warp around my waist. I told you I well get you a voice whisper in my ear it sent chills down my spine.  I clearly let you win I said turing towards him. ooh yeah he said leaning closer. you wanna find out he said in a husky voice. boy you know I can beat you don't act though I said holding his face in my hands. am not acting I know I am he said licking my bottom lips. and this is your idea of wining I ask. he didn't say a thing but suck on my bottom lips. get off her Lucas someone scream across the street. Lucas quickly pulled away to look who was talking we saw Cory and Shawn. they always ruined my moments he said pouting. awww am sorry babe I well make it up to you I said stroking his cheek. how he ask. you well see tomorrow I said winking as I pulled away and started walking away. why not tell me now he scream after me. you well see tomorrow I scream as I ran across the street to Shawn and cory. I saw riley walking with them. when I reach them the first question I got was. this is what you guys do out here cory ask. what are you talking about I ask. you know maya heart we saw you sucking Lucas face don't act innocent and you too riley shawn said. you guys act like kids I said rolling my eyes. wait what happened to your clothes cory ask. wait let me guess you and Lucas was playing love in the dirty water shawn said and he and cory bust out laughing. riley stare at me and just shok her head. I need a shower I said putting my hair up. I agree shawn said still laughing. when we got home I ran up to the bathroom. I took a shower and wore some sweatpants then my sweater. after dressing. I decided to do my college essay research. I woke on about one paragraph then went downstairs to make dinner with Topanga. after eating dinner I went back up to finish my research. and that's how I fell asleep.

author note

hey guys this is today chapter. am not updating till tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed this and remember to vote and leave comments. love you all

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