06. Mate

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When Thorn and Catherina walked into the home—they both shared a look at how empty it seemed

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When Thorn and Catherina walked into the home—they both shared a look at how empty it seemed.
Edward had noticed their confusion immediately and came to their side with the answer on hand," Mostly everyone that's come to witness is currently out hunting—and my family are out making sure they don't accidentally hunt on the Quileute's territory"

"Where is your daughter? I would assume she isn't included in that mix" Catherina faced towards—though her eyes were focused on solely the immortal, she had failed to realize the small family portraits on the corner shelves. If she had focused to the details, she would have discovered that she was currently in her own brother's residence—the brother whom she assumed for a very long time to have been gone from the world.

"She's with my wife at our home" Edward explained," Renesmee still requires her sleep" He lightly joked.

"Interesting" Catherina perked up nodding her head hearing about the child. She had kept herself from asking so much questions and instead just had a casual conversation with the telepath.

Thorn, on the other hand, had been asking Jacob questions uninterrupted—regardless of him overly talking the Alpha had been happy to oblige not being able to resist the way he saw the warlock's reactions every time he said anything. He was sure for a couple of times spent talking to Thorn, he swore he reminded him of Carlisle. He didn't know if it was because he just spent most of his time with the Cullens or it was purely a coincidence.

Emmett had left the four, to keep the only other vampire present company. Garrett—who was currently occupying the library, isolating himself on trial of his sudden declaration of changing his diet. The brawny Cullen had no idea what overcame Garrett when he suddenly just announced trying to go vegetarian.

After seeing what Renesmee had shown him, and being in the company of not only the Cullens but the exceptional Denali's; he wanted to adventure into what comes from possessing those hypnotizing and rare golden eyes.

However, he was now consumed with the scent of the woman that had drawn him. Strangely, it was not her blood at all that had him weak, it was the eccentric scent of roses making it a spellbinding aroma that had him weakened.

His internal struggle of craving for human blood had been in the back of his mind. Simply, because he was craving the scent of just her alone. It wasn't a compulsion; it was a passionate desire of being drawn to her.

When Emmett walked into the Library, he saw the captivated expression on the nomad's face leaving him to smirk in amusement. He had seen what had happened earlier—having known Garrett was on the balcony observing—waiting just in case he would jump in and help. However, he did not expect to see his old friend find his mate—in a witch nonetheless.

Garrett had broken out of his daze and turned to see the pleased looked on Emmett's face. He narrowed his eyes leaving his lips to stay straight," You saw"

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