Chapter 5

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Robert's pov

"KATHERINE!" I scream, my voice becoming raspier by the minute, she must be here, she always is, it's her hiding place.  She was a fool to put her mother in my path.

I notice some movement under the dark brown mahogony table, I run over to it and crouch to the floor.

"Katherine!" I shout again in an aggravated tone. But when I get a look at the person before me I notice it is a much older looking Katherine very similar in facial features but a totally different person, and a different type of annoyance. Her mother Margaret. 

I grab Margaret by her feeble arms and pull her from out under the table bringing her to her feet and smashing her into the nearest wall. 

"Where is she!?" I scream straight into her wrinkled face. I can see a flicker of emotions pass behind her dark brown eyes, the same eyes as Katherine, but other wise her face does not falter. She does not speak. 

"Where is she!" I screech once more, this time her mouth opens wide and she spits at me " She isn't here, I have not seen her all day, I had assumed you had done something to hurt her again." I can tell by the way her voice rises that she is telling a lie. Small yet big at the same time.

"Listen, Margaret this isn't important. If my wife isn't here or at our cottage, WHERE IS SHE?! I know she was here why else would you hide behind the table and turn the lights out? Just tell me the truth and I will leave you alone." I say in the calmest tone possible, hoping I don't accidently have my hand up and hit her face. That would not be good. 

She sighs and begins to speak, " I already did tell you the truth you horrid beast, I have not seen her all day nor do I know where she would be. Also, the reason I was under the table is because one of my dear old earrings that my no good husband had given to me is lost and I was looking to retrieve it, then you come in here screeching and screaming bloody murder and you think I'm just gonna pop up willy nilly?" 

"Well, then why were all your lights out? One would think you would keep the lights on to look for a tiny earring on the floor." I smirk 

"I was just about to go to sleep, I was heading up when I heard them fall. And the earrings themselves are quite large. Ah here's an idea! Be a dear and help me find them."


She crosses her arms over her chest pursing her lips, "oh really?" She raises an eyebrow, "THEN GET OUT!" She comes closer until her mouth is near my ear and growls, "I don't ever want to see you in this house again. And leave my daughter ALONE!" She screeches causing me to lose my balance. "Katherine deserves so much better than you, the poor girl."

After she spoke those words my hand could not restrain any longer. My hand becomes a fist and connects with her jaw in one powerful blow at her right cheek, she collapses into a heap on the floor, unmoving. Turning my back I move to leave but remember, this is Katherine's mother, what would Katherine think of me?

With an annoyed sigh, I turn to see if she is still breathing. It would appears so, my job is done.

But it was really her own fault she got hit, she was saying all these bad things about me. Katherine does not need a rich man, I know that I am not easy to put up with but I love Katherine and I know she must love me too, or she did...well..maybe..? I have no idea what she thinks of me now.. that she has seen that picture.. But I just have to think positive maybe she does not know what the picture means and I can just make up a stupid story of why I have it. 

But first I have to discuss this with my sister..

* * * 

I arrive at the small green cottage on the side of the road, the memories from several years ago come back the second I lay eyes on the house. But I quickly shake them out of my mind I don't need those thoughts right now. I'm seeing my sister for the first time in forever! We lost touch since the incident... we both thought it would be better that we keep it a secret that we are brother and sister, Katherine doesn't even know of her yet and she must never know.

When I reach the door I knock exactly ten times. Me and Christa decided that if either one of us needed to come to the others house we would knock exactly ten times so we could prepare for them, I hope she remembered. 

Seconds later the door slowly creaks open and I see her head pop out  "Chris!" I say in the happiest tone available right now. 

"Robert?" she looks at me in confusion 

"Yes, now let me in!" I say frozen by the cold, she cautiously opens the door. When I step into the house, I feel comforted with soothing smells and warmth. 

I look at the sister that I haven't seen in ages, she still looks similar to how I remember her with her long blonde hair and her blue eyes. But there is still something different about her, a sadness has taken over and age has caught up to her. I used to remember her with long blonde hair and blue eyes which she still has,  but  I notice that now her long beautiful silky hair has become long ugly stringy hair. Then her bright blue eyes have now turned to dull greyish blue eyes, losing their sparkle. My insides twist knowing that this was all caused by me me and my stupid personality and anger issues. I shake out my head to keep my conscience from scolding me.

" Why are you here?" she asks her tone unwelcoming.

" Katherine found the pictures.." That's enough to set her off.

"GET OUT! GET OUT! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING IN YOUR PATH! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BURN ALL EVERYTHING, NOW GET OUT!" She yells at me with a dark hatred in her eyes, and gritted teeth.

When I start to interject she slaps me straight across the face, I bring my hand to my face and begin to walk back. "GET OUT!" she screams again. I quickly run out the door away from my angry hateful sister. 

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