Chapter 6

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I stare at the dark night sky, a dangerous warning color, like the color of a bruise if Robert ever hit you, a dark black purple.  A few lonesome stars dotted the sky.  Stopping to look at them, I remember my mother once telling me, that if I ever felt lonely I should look at the stars, for someone else is also looking at them.  I had never understood what she meant - but then I had never really felt this lonely before.  I had been wandering for many hours now, waiting until Robert would be asleep, hiding in the shadows and creeping behind brushes.  Any possible way to avoid the dirt road.

My mother's house is not a long distance away, but I need to take the longer way, beyond the wooded moonlit areas.  The front side of the homes face the dirt road, but the backside faces a dying forest. Most homes are occupied, I can tell someone cares for them well, but it is late and they must be in a deathly sound sleep.  A small light is visible in one home, the silhouette of what looks like a man bent over writing.

I struggle through the dead roots, trying not to step on any branches, my feet with blisters and still injured from the glass.  I make my way toward the small shack like home and knock.  When the door opens I cock an eyebrow - it sounded like a fairytale, but no there was no witch - a young man about my age, looks at me, his annoyed gaze softening and morphing into worry. He ushers me in quickly without a word.

And then I notice... He is beautiful in the light of the candle, different from Robert, but then Robert is not incredibly attractive, I fell in love with Robert's personality - although violent - and story, now I wonder if they were all lies.

But anyway, this man is lovely, his worried face has a pale complexion, piercing golden eyes hold my gaze, hard yet soft all the same.  Everything about him is light, his eyes radiating light and his pale hair so blonde it looks white.  How could one be so bright yet mysteriously shadowy at the same time? He reminded me of an angel, maybe he was, maybe Robert had finally gone mad, I pinch myself trying to tell the difference between a dream and reality.

He cleares his throat "Miss?"

I don't answer, I know I'm being incredibly rude but I can't help it.  His voice is raspy before he clears it, probably due to the lack of sleep.  As I move a bit closer I see the dark shadows under his eyes, the worry lines between and above his eyebrows much like myself.  His mouth moves again and this time I try to form anything intelligible, my throat closing up a bit.

"I'm Katherine" is the only thing I can say.  It comes out as a scratchy whisper.

He raises an eyebrow, crossing him arms against his chest, lean muscles flexing as he does so- "I'm sorry?"

"Katherine" I blurt out quickly making it sound like I'm having an outburst.

"Okay...uhm is there anything I can do for you?" he asks this with watchful eyes, eyeing me with something other than worry, I am too tired to figure out what.  As I open my mouth to speak, it is raspy, my throat too parched to speak.  He walks out of the room without a word.  Leaving me to stand there, rather awkwardly might I add.

He returns with a mug, steam rising from it.  I am grateful to wrap my cold fingers around something warm, the night is rather cold.  He gestures to a chair, I look at him momentarily confused.   And jump when he lightly guides me over to a soft chair.  He still watches me carefully, as if I am dangerous, but I don't blame him, It is not everyday a strange woman shows up at one's door at this time of night.  I probably look like a mad woman.  Upon taking a seat, he places his elbows on his knees, leaning forward with a steady gaze.  

When he speaks, his voice is heavy with sleeplessness and I suddenly feel guilty for interrupting him at this time.  "So...what brings a beautiful woman like yourself to my home at this hour?"

I blush at his words, the way he says it is as if he's stating a fact, like friend may compliment you although I wouldn't really know - I didn't really have any friends after Robert -, as if I know, as if it even matters, because until now Robert never let me show any of my so called "beauty" I had to wear loose clothing when we went out, he would swear at anyone who looked at me.  It seems so wrong to love a man like Robert, with his dangerous mood swings.  But I had had my reasons, I had seen the love in him, and although he was a monster at times, I had never questioned my love for him, I don't think I ever will.

Now looking into this man's piercing eyes, I feel as though I owe him an explanation I did disrupt him at an ungodly hour after all.  I don't tell him everything, it would be silly to tell a stranger about something I rarely tell anyone, but I tell him about finding the "forbidden documents" and going to my mother's only for her to convince me to leave this town forever and find the owner's of the address, I tell him about Fawn Road because I feel that it is important.  His eyes widen slightly at the name of the Road but I continue.

I leave out the parts of abuse and Robert, but I do mention that my "husband" thinks that we are married when we are not, that the wedding was a sham.  But I don't want to be a part of that life anymore, anything that connects me to Robert is bound to hurt me.  I simply want to be Katherine Meli, like I have always been.

After finishing my story, he stares at me with a knowing look in his eyes showing me that he is aware that I haven't told him everything, pity clear in his eyes.  I feel anger rising, I do not want anyone's pity.  I look away and hoarsely whisper. " I do not want your pity"  In the corner of my eye, I see the man's mouth drop into a small 'oh.'

"Sorry, I just --"

"Who are you?" I breathe, a feathery whisper as I cut him off.   What was I thinking? Who was this man ever.  And again the guilt overwhelms, for goodness sake, it is past midnight.  When he does not respond I stand to leave.  "I - I should go, I have already caused you a great burden. I'm sorry."

"Kenneth," he says as I turn to leave, looking back at him he repeats, "Kenneth, and please don't go, I can help you, I know where Fawn Road is.  And...and I don't want to have to go back to looking at the stars.."

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