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476 likesjackdgrazer this is my boyfriend and his name is finn @finnwolfhard

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jackdgrazer this is my boyfriend and his name is finn @finnwolfhard


finnwolfhard yup that's me 😋

finnwolfhard <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

wyattoleff iconic duo

jaedenmartell YESSSSSSSSSS


noahschnapp y'all like really be in love n stuff but together this time 😳

milliebobbybrown cuties 🥺

sophialillis literallt the cutest couple ever

chosenjacobs yes kings !!!

sophialillis u guys are too cute i literally cannot 🥺

gatenm123 so cute i am shook !

calebmclaughlin YESSSSS

sophialillis honestly perfection 🥰🥰

jaedenmartell they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not rea

wyattoleff @jaedenmartell did u die 😳

jaedenmartell @wyattoleff yes. the fack energy was too strong 🤠🙈

sadiesink_ @jaedenmartell i felt that

noahschnapp imagine being so grossly cute 😔

milliebobbybrown @noahschnapp get a boyfriend and then it won't be so gross 😚

noahschnapp @milliebobbybrown why dont u attempt to find a boy and see how hard it is 😋

milliebobbybrown @noahschnapp my last crush ended up gay with a boyfriend 😘

sadiesink_ @milliebobbybrown ok tea was SPILT

noahschnapp @milliebobbybrown i will expose ur last crush into our groupchat for this slander against your best friend 😔😔😔

sophialillis @noahschapp I AM DOWN TO HEAR THIS

milliebobbybrown @noahschnapp U WOULD NEVER

noahschnapp @milliebobbybrown i will if u keep disrespecting me 😔😔😔

milliebobbybrown @noahschnapp noah bby i am so sorry i am praying for u to find a bf jusy pls don't expose me 😔😔😔

noahschnapp @milliebobbybrown forgiven

sadiesink_ dang i was so excited to hear this @noahschnapp

jaedenmartell so much is going on in these comments

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