Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Alex's pov

We just stood there. I was panicking, hoping to death he wouldn't shout again, He really scared me when he did that. But he didn't do anything. I glanced up worriedly into his eyes and in that moment I didn't feel the need to cry, didn't feel the need to runaway from this place. Terror didn't fill me up, I didn't feel the heart ache of missing my brother. I almost felt happy. Well maybe that was a bit of a stretch but I felt at peace with myself, with my surroundings. But unfortunately as quick as that moment came it was over and he broke off the eye contact by looking at my picture.

"It's good" he said, nodding at the picture. I couldn't help but notice his voice cracking at the end. I frowned slightly but just dismissed it as nothing. A small smile crept onto my face as he walked out of the room, leaving me to my own devices.

Ash's pov

I walked out the door. I just couldn't stay in the room. It brought back too many memories. Memories of my mother.

*flash back*

"mummy what are you drawing?" I asked

"a flower" she replied softly.

"what type of flower?"I said.

"a yellow rose" she said proudly.

"can I see?!" I asked excitedly.

"not till it's finished" my beautiful mum said stubbornly.

*end of flashback*

The picture was never finished, I never got to see it but I couldn't bring myself to let that flower die so everyday somebody would either water it or replace it with another. I never thought that the flower would ever be drawn again.

Unknown pov

I want my baby back. My beautiful baby girl. That day October 11th broke my heart. My little girl disappeared. Gone. Kidnapped. I couldn't eat I couldn't sleep. I was so over come with grief. I couldn't handle my alpha duties. I had to pass them to my beta. My girl was sixteen in three weeks and she still didn't know she was a werewolf. I just didn't know how to tell her I was a monster. Too scared that she would reject the idea and ignore her wolf. I couldn't let that happen. She was too be a strong alpha female not a rouge. But now I wished I had told her. Now she will suffer in intense pain as her mate won't be able to help her get through it. I miss my baby girl.

Alex's pov **7 days later**

Ash. I love the name ash. Handsome name for a handsome man. OMG! did I just think that? I think I'm gonna die. But really do I think he's hot? Well kinda. Well more like drop dead gorgeous or absolutely sexy but you know I'm not quite ready to admit that to myself just yet. Maybe in a couple of weeks. Wait a second, if it's October 20th today then in two weeks on 3rd November I'll be sixteen! I started grinning and practically ran out of the room so excited wanting to tell jace, Charlie, and zack. I have kind of given up on leaving. There is constantly about ten people patrolling round the house, I'm not sure why as they are in the middle of luscious green woods, miles from anywhere. But I can't exactly ask or they will get suspicious. And to be honest I was treated well here, ever since the day in the art room I have been able to do what I wanted, as long as I cooked dinner and stayed in the house. I still missed my family terribly but I figured it was just like college anyway and I just tried to ignore the ache in my chest, the more I thought about it the more it hurt. I shook my head to clear it and carried on in my search for the boys. I need to find them and tell them the good news. I saw Zack walking down the corridor with some girl making out oh well Jace will tell him later. I wondered where the other boys were? I couldn't find them anywhere. I went back downstairs to ask one of the maids if they knew where they were but before I could get down the stairs Ash, Jace, and Charlie burst through the door. Shirtless. Omfg. Ash had the most sexy abs ever. A delicious eight pack and toned muscles. I think my draw hit the ground.

"Finished checking us out Alex?" Jace said playfully pulling me out of my daze. I flushed a cherry red and all the boys laughed.

"Do you need us for something?" Charlie asked.

"Uh yeah it's my sixteenth birthday on the 3rd November" I said excitedly but still embarrassed.

"Awesome! You'll finally be full wolf like us!" Jace exclaimed.

"Full wolf? What the fuck are you on about?" I said confused.

"When you shift for the first time and hopefully find your mate" Ash said slowly trying to get me to understand.

"Whoa hold up. Wolf? Shift? Mate? I have no fucking idea what the hell you're going on about. Maybe you all need to go to a mental hospital" I replied warily. Jace sighed and turned to ash, "Dude, she doesn't know".

"Don't know what!" I exclaimed exasperated.

"That you're a werewolf" Charlie said. I passed out. They were deadly serious I could tell by their faces. Omfg was my last thought. When I woke up Ash, Jace, Zack, and Charlie were all stood around the bed worried.

"Promise you won't freak out" zack said.

"I promise" I replied nodding. They went on to tell me that I am a werewolf. Born with alpha blood. Destined for the alpha female role of one of the packs in the uk. They told me how Ash was the alpha, Jace and Charlie were the betas, and Zack was third in command. After they had explained everything I just sat there think it through. So I'll be a werewolf in two weeks. A smile spread across my face. I'm happy that I'm a werewolf, I think in a way I knew anyway, everything they told me just seemed like old memories, flashes of giant wolves playing with me in the water as a child etc. but I ignored it, thinking it was just my imagination.

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