7~You'd do that for me?

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This is a highschool au loosely inspired by Fight For Me from Heathers the Musical.

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"I'm not skipping class again, Harry.  Ms. Harris said that if I skipped one more time, I'd have detention all week.  My mom would kill me!"  Eddie tried to turn around but strong hands pulled him back.  He yanked his arm from Harry's grip and took a few steps back.  Harry looked at him, angry.

"What'd I say, Eddie?  About disobeying me.  Now come on!"  He yanked Eddie.   Hard.  Eddie let out a pained scream.  A few people gave him looks but no one was willing to help him.  He felt his throat closing up and reached into his fanny pack for his inhaler.  Before he could put it to his lips and pull the trigger, it was smacked out of his hand.  

"You don't need that shit! Come on, Eddie!"  He yanked him yet again.  He looked around helplessly and spotted one of his old friends, Richie, striding over.  

"Hey, Asshole!  I don't think he wants to do anything with you while he's having a fucking asthma attack.  I think you need to leave."  Richie shoved him lightly.  Harry straightened up and shoved Richie into the lockers, even angrier than before.

"Why don't you mind your own business, Trashmouth."  He punched Richie in the face.  Eddie winced, he did not want this to happen.  He should have listened to Harry in the first place.  Just then, Richie stood up, holding his nose.  He landed a punch right in Harry's face, making him stumble.  

"Stop!" Eddie yelled.  It was no use.  They were on top of each other.  Someone had gotten the principal and she was breaking them up.  She took them into her office, leaving Eddie on the floor, still gasping for breath.  He quickly grabbed the inhaler that was kicked down the hall and waited outside of the principal's office.  For Richie or Harry, he did not know.

** Time Skip **

Harry was the first to come out, he looked mad.  Eddie walked up to him, a stern look on his face.

"Harry, we're done.  This has been nothing but hurtful for me and I have had enough.  If you so much as lay one shitty finger on me, I will call the cops. "  Eddie heaved.  Harry flipped him the bird and walked out of the school.  Eddie sank to the ground and let out a sob.  

Just then, Richie came out of the principal's office.  He had been suspended but it wouldn't matter.  Right now, he had to find Eddie.  It wasn't hard when he turned his head to him on the floor, sobbing.

"Hey, Eddie.  You're okay, alright?  I'm here.  He's gone."  Richie pulled the frail boy into a hug and let his t-shirt become wet with Eddie's tears.  He rubbed his back and waited for him to calm down.  

Soon, when Eddie's crying was reduced to sniffling,  Eddie looked up.

"Why, Rich?  I've been nothing but a jerk, blowing you off, and you still wan to help me?"

"Because.  You deserve better.  He's an asshole.  He fucking denied you an inhaler.  That's bullshit."

"You'd do that for me?"

"I'd do it ten more times for you, Eds." 

They stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds.  Eddie decided to man up and do what he'd been wanting to do for the longest time.  He leaned in and caught Richie's lips with his own.  His hands made their way into Riche's curly brown locks.  They made out for a while, just enjoying each other's company until Eddie pulled away and rested his forehead on Richie's.  He sighed contently.

"I missed you"


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