Chapter 3- Biana POV

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Yes, guys, I know that the KOTLC is spelled wrong. Sry! But this is my favorite quote from Fitz.

Biana threw the goblin throwing star with a satisfying smack. It hit the straw dummy right in the center of the forehead, the thick substance of Lushberry juice seeping out from the hole. Biana hated how lifelike the dummy looked, capturing Fintan's sharp jawlines and bright colored eyes perfectly. But she also couldn't help but feel a tiny sliver of satisfaction ripple across her body. She would pay Fintan back for locking her family in Exile. He would pay for the destruction he'd put upon the Lost cities. 

Biana couldn't help but smirk at the brutal thoughts that started racing through her mind; Fintan being locked in Exile, a mumbling, drooling broken mess after he'd been defeated. Defeated by a bunch of seventeen-year-old kids. His eyes would be locked into the frozen ground below him, misery and sadness clouding his gaze as the regrets from his past started pulling him into more madness. 

She wasn't the silent beauty she used to be. She was a warrior, A fierce one at that. And there was no way Biana was going to stand by and watch her friends fall down one by one because of the Neverseen. She would fight till her last breath if she had to, as long as she took Fintan down with her. 

Biana's grip on the goblin throwing star got so tight, she felt her skin split against the sharp blades, but her body was to numb with anger to feel the pain. She fueled her anger into her throw, but she could barely see where she was aiming through the pouring rain and only ended up clipping the side of the dummy's face. 

"You're aim's a bit off." A voice said behind her and Biana spun around, raising another star above her head, ready to attack if she needed to, but when she met Tam's silver-eyed stare, her body relaxed in relief. 


Biana lowered the star, staring at his silver eyes intently, waiting for them to fade away into nothing. But they didn't. 

He really was here. 

She considered running up to him to hug him...

but for some reason, she kept herself back from doing so. 

He's with the Neverseen.  You cannot trust him. 

She knew that. But while that was the case, she couldn't stop her heart from beating fast. She couldn't stop the fireworks that went off in her chest every time she saw him.

"My gosh Tam. Don't sneak up on me like that." She muttered, turning back to the dummy. "What are you even doing here?"

"Sorry," Tam mumbled, "I was able to get away from the Neverseen for a moment. It wasn't easy, but I have a piece of information I need to let Sophie know about." He pauses and Biana keeps her back to him.  When she raised her hand above her head to throw it, she felt his hand grab her wrist. "You should hold it like this." He took it out of her hand, flipping it around a different way and placing her fingers in an awkward position around the blades. Before he let her wrist go, his finger traced the cut she'd recently gotten. "Now move over a bit..."  Tam pushed her gently to the side, then pulled her arm farther back behind her head. 

"Now throw it." 

Biana frowned but did as he said. The star spun through the air, hitting the dummy smack dap in the middle of the forehead. She winced as the juice poured out of the hole, looking way too much like blood. 

"Thanks." She murmured, turning towards Tam, her face turning nuclear when it landed only inches away from his. He cleared his throat, stepping backward and pulling out two throwing stars out of a pocket in his boot.   

"Yeah." He muttered, pulling the star back and letting it slid across the air. Biana watched him for a couple of moments, her eyes following him curiously. Tam was unlike any other kid she'd ever met. He was mysterious and rough around the edges, but he also had a soft side that showed through when he was around Linh. And sometimes he seemed to do that around her, but Biana usually shrugged it off as him trying to be friendly.

But was he still like that now? Or has the Neverseen changed him that much?

 It was a second too late before she realized she was staring, and when Tam turned his head to meet her gaze, his eyebrows flickered to the top of his head. 

"What?" He asked and Biana looked away sheepishly, hoping the rain covered her blush. 

"Nothing." She mumbled, pulling out a star from her tunic and throwing it the way Tam had shown her. When she hit the dummy only inches away from the other star, she turned to him, grinning slightly. He smiled back, something glittering in his eyes before looking away and continuing to throw stars. They both stood in silence, only a few inches away from each other and usually letting out a laugh or smile. And when the moon had risen high up into the sky, Biana walked back to the treehouses with Tam at her side, smiling to herself. She hadn't had that much fun since... well, she couldn't remember. 

The large tree-house belonging to the girls came into view and all too soon, the ramp leading up to the front door was right in front of them. Biana waved to Tam before she started up the ramp, but then stopped and glanced over her shoulder, 

"Are you okay.?"

He seemed taken aback by the question, but it had been pestering Biana ever since he first showed up. Why has he shown up? 

"No." His voice was curt. Abrupt. Clearly not wanting to explain the response any further. Biana could respect that. She nodded slowly, her pulse racing, but her heart aching with sadness for him.  

She met his almond-shaped eyes, her heart doing this weird fluttery thing as he moved towards her and doing a very un-tam-ish thing to do. 

He reached up and wiped a strand of wet hair off her forehead and leaned in so close their faces were only inches apart. So close Biana could see the droplets of rain that had been caught in his dark lashes. 

"Don't forget me." He whispered before giving her a small grin and turning away, disappearing in the pouring rain. Biana stared after him for a couple of seconds, smiling ear to ear before turning and walking into the house. 

There you go Tiana shippers! (I am one too personly.)      

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