Chapter 9-Keefe POV

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Thank you so much for 2K reads! I may not seem like that much to other people, but it means so much to me. I love reading the feedback ya'll have sent on my story and I promise to keep it up as much as I can. 

Thanks again!

Sophie's eyes widen, growing so large with disbelief it makes Keefe feel sick. 

How could she have not seen this coming?

Sophie was brilliant, and amazing, and beautiful and-

Okay stop. 

The point is.... Keefe was hoping Sophie would be able to see Tam isn't who he says he is....

But she's too blinded by her hope. Hope that he isn't like the others. 

She's wrong. 

Or.... I could be wrong. 

But honestly, I doubt I am. Everything is just too suspicious. Tam suddenly leaping out of the burning cabin without Sophie, then going back in a miraculously getting her back out while Fintan was in there?

Nah ah. 

I ain't buyin it. 

Maybe the others will buy his little story. But I'm smarter then that. 

I hope...

"Are you sure?" Sophie asks, pupils slightly narrowing. Deep in his gut, Keefe can feel Sophie's doubt and a bunch of other emotions he can't read out from one another. 

"Pretty sure." He tells her, his voice coming out a little sharper then expected. He clears his throat, taking in a slow breath. 

Calm yourself, dude. 

It's hard though. Every time Tam's name comes up he gets so angry. Maybe its because he switched sides on them at the battle of Everglen. Maybe its the fact Tam joined them willingly. Or maybe it's the fact he made a giant mistake which resulted in one of Tam's friends deaths. 

Keefe doesn't know. 

All he does know, is that he doesn't trust Bangs Boy anymore then he trusts Fintan.

And he doesn't trust Fintan a sliver

"Pretty sure." Sophie repeats, brows furrowing and that little crease lines her forehead. Usually, Keefe would think its cute, but right now, he's too focused on the look of doubt resting on her face. 

Does she not trust him?

"Did you actually ask Tam about what happened?" Sophie asks. 

"No." Keefe responded, glancing away for s light second. "but I know it was him."


"He got out of the cabin before you did. He led you to the place Fintan grabbed you." Keefe glared at her. She frowns. "Don't you think that's a little suspicious? He only went back in to get you after I tackled him." Keefe still remembers punching the guy in the face. 

Boy... did that feel good. 

"You- you know what... neverminded." Sophie lets out a sigh, "I get why your suspicious of him Keefe, but.... we shouldn't jump to conclusions without asking him about first."

"You really think he'll tell us anything."

"Yes?" Sophie pauses, then sighs again. "I don't know. But if he doesn't, Fitz and I could search for information. If it really comes down to that." She doesn't look happy about the last part, though Keefe can't say he shares her feelings. 

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