- two

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❝ before i go, i just want you two to know something, alright?
the super-cop story... was working. okay? it was working,
and you guys just messed it up. okay?


Richie had lucked out with the flight— there was one the night before at 10:30 if he could make it there after the show ended.

He was determined to make it. It was scheduled to be over at 8:00– no reason for him not to be out of there in time. He was concerned about traffic more than anything else, but he wanted to let Eddie know he was leaving before he just dipped, and the crowds after the show were rough.

Richie signed autographs, took selfies, and gave as many hugs and waves as he could while trying to get out of there. He wished he had actually taken the discreet exit for once— What was I thinking?— but it was too late now. The crew had ushered him out into the waiting crowd, much to the audience's pleasure— and Richie's dismay.

He caught Sylvia's attention twenty minutes into the shenanigans and held up his phone, gesturing to it. She nodded, and pulled out her own. He sent her a quick, desperate text, smiling awkwardly up and the next camera that was shoved in his face. His watch read 8:30 now. Anxiety began to make his stomach churn as he hit 'send', desperately awaiting a reply.

i need out. flight @ 10:30. want to see him b4 i go. can u get me out? -r

His screen lit up seconds later, and it eased his heart a little bit. But just a little.

yeah. i'll tell sam ur leaving. he'll get u out. -s

thx -r

Richie slipped his phone into his pocket, taking a pen and a photo of himself from some frantically waving arms and signing it with vaguely shaky hands. A few more people swarmed him before he was being led through the crowd and back through the stage door, waving to the people out in the hall.

"Hey, thanks, man," he said to the crew member, who flashed a thumbs up as he hurried away. "I appreciate it!" He called, disappearing into his room and grabbing his keys. He hurried out the back exit and hopped into his car, tearing out of the parking lot.

He may have pushed the speed limit a little bit— but he made it home five minutes faster than usual, so it was worth it. Especially when he burst into the house at 8:55 to find Eddie laying across the couch in nothing but a loose t-shirt and his little red shorts.

He had insisted on buying them a few months into their relationship, and despite Richie's best efforts, he often paraded around their house in them. They left little to the imagination, and Richie hated them— so much, that almost every time Eddie them on, they found their way right back off and on the other side of whatever room they happened to be in.

Tonight was the rare occasion that Richie, regrettably, didn't feel he had the time to fool around.

But he was almost willing to try anyway.

So, he kicked his shoes off, dropped his jacket and knelt by Eddie's feet on the couch, grabbing him by the calves and yanking him closer. The man giggled, wriggling his butt up onto Richie's lap without sitting up, and curling his legs around his husband's waist.

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