- three

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❝ a person should not believe in an -ism,
he should believe in himself.


The flight was on schedule, and although Eddie had been right about the snow— a blizzard which he texted Richie about multiple times during the hour and a half before his plane took off— it did not affect the plane's descent into the quiet Maine airport.

The flight was full of different types of people— some alone, some accompanied by family members. Many seemed to be small families, and Richie wondered if they were visiting grandparents, or maybe even great grandparents for the holidays. He and Eddie had spent Thanksgiving alone, by choice. Neither of them loved the holiday— but they made it very clear to each other what they were thankful for over their extravagant weeklong vacation of solitude from the rest of the world.

Richie couldn't help but smile at the memory as he grabbed his carryon out of the overhead storage, before pulling out the case that belonged to his seat neighbor, handing it to her and nodding with a small smile as she thanked him.

Perhaps the best thing about returning home for the second time in adulthood, aside from the fact that there was nobody out and about in a snowstorm like this, was that nobody who was out and about seemed to recognize him- or, if they did, they didn't care enough to say anything.

Richie hopped in a taxi straight off the plane. He had only packed the carryon— he was only going to be there for the day. As promised, as soon as he gave the directions to his driver, he dialed Eddie's number.

It was 4:30 in the morning in L.A., but his phone had updated the time as soon as he had switched his service back on. It was about 7:30 in the morning here. He felt exhausted. But his flight was at 9:30 tonight, and even though he hadn't slept on the plane ride here, he had a feeling the ride back would be more relieving. He could sleep then.

Eddie picked up on the second ring.


"Hey, baby," Richie greeted, stifling a yawn. "Did I wake you up?"

"No. I can't sleep." He sounded exhausted, and Richie frowned, leaning back in his seat and pinching his brow under his glasses.

"Why not, sweetheart?" He finally asked after a long pause. Eddie was quiet for a second, then he heard something rustle in the background. He was probably rolling over under the covers.

"I miss you," came the hushed reply, and Richie was reminded of whispered conversations over the phone when they were kids and still terrified of being caught and called out for what they were. Almost instinctively, his voice dropped in volume as well, though he had no secret. He wore his wedding band on his bare hand with pride.

"I miss you too." He closed his eyes, leaning his head against the window and watching as the snow-capped trees rushed by in a blur. "But you've gotta sleep, honey. I'm going to be home when you wake up tomorrow morning, you know."

"I know," Eddie sighed over the phone. "But you feel so far away." Silence. Then, "Are you in Derry yet?" Richie watched the welcome sign fly by, and almost lied through his teeth. But he didn't feet any different. The town felt somehow emptier, but... more welcoming. More normal.

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