I am bound tightly to an ice statue of me. The ropes sloley cutting into my skin, penitrating deeper and deeper. I heard someone come into the room I was in.
"Hello, Queen Celestine. What a pleasent surprise." says the lady. She had a pearl white dress on, with blue heels, and jet black hair.
"Im sorry, but I'm not a queen. I am just a girl." I reply shakily.
"No, I know what you are, but I know a queen when I see one." she shot back, putting emphises on the word queen.
"But I-"
"Silence fool! Or I shall kill you and knight Edward!"
"Who is knight Edward?" I ask.
“Playing stupid eh? Well you won’t be when I kill that knight of yours and take over this land once and for all.” She said slowly reaching towards her back. I quickly take a glance and see a silver dagger with a few specs of blood on it. I swallow the lump in my throat and look back at her cold, harsh eyes.
“Well then, now that I have you, let’s just lock you up, shall we? Ordial! Come and fetch this creature, and put it into the dungeon! At once! "
A green creature with bright red eyes, a flat nose, and a slender body bounded up to me. He looked at me with those harsh eyes and I noticed something I did not expect. A flash of pity and guilt. But as soon as it appeared, it was gone.
“Come!” it said with a rasping voice. It took me by my hair and pulled my too a dark room. I glanced at its fingers, which were skinny and had pointed nails on them.
Once I got into the room, I peered around. I saw a few lit torches to give the room a bit of light, but not much. I looked for anything that could cut these ropes off of me. My eyes landed on a sharp piece of metal that stuck out of the wall.
I walked towards it and turned around with my back against it. I then slowly began to move my writs up and down, cutting the ropes that bound me ever so tightly. I continued to move my wrists up and down cutting farther and farther.
I soon got careless and felt a stinging pain in my left wrist. I then felt a trickle of liquid run down my arm. I had made a cut. I shifted and carefully started cutting again. After what seemed like hours of work, the ropes gave away, and I examined my wrist to see how deep the cut was.
It wasn’t too bad, just a little gash, but it surly won’t leave a mark. I swiped at the trickle of blood gently, so it won’t drip and the lady wouldn’t notice. Then I quietly slip out the wooden door, and into the mass of hallways.
Just as I found the light that meant outside, I heard the lady and the creature talking in hushed voices.
“But my queen, if we kill her now, how would we know where the knight is?”
“We will make her scream, he will hear it, and come to her rescue!”
“But what if he brings an army to ambush us?”
“We will be prepared. We would have our armies armed and ready to battle.”
“What if they find out what we have been planning?”
“They won’t! Our ambush would be secretive and no one will know.”
“Hush! Do not question me! Now go and-“
I slipped on the ice, and quickly ran out of the castle. I ran as fast as I could, hoping to find Luke or anybody who is not on this lady’s side. I wonder what her name is though. It would help us greatly.
I ran until I couldn’t run anymore, and took a rest at a large tree with blue leaves. There was a place on the tree trunk where the snow didn’t fall as much as the rest. Like someone had laid there.
I then heard a growl, no more like a snarl, and whisked around to find lone wolf. It edged closer to me and then, out of nowhere, pounced. I quickly lunged out of the way, so the wolf got a mouthful of the tree. I took my chance and started to climb it, going as fast as I could. Right when I was almost safe, the wolf jumped up onto its hind legs, and took a snap at my lower leg.
“Luke!” I scream just as it misses. I climbed as far as I could, and looked down at the wolf, trying to get its meal. I was terrified
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry I couldn't update last week guys! Had to study for exams! :( I made a super long chapter to make up for it! Hope you all like it!
-Pandagal1 :)

The World Beneath the Ice
AventuraMadison and Luke had a great life. Two best friends who did everything together. Nothing will ever break their bond. Except when Madison started having odd dreams, and painful nightmares. She had her own life to handle,and didn't pay attention to th...