New school, New Me

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New story, I hope you like it(:

Smile every minute of the day. You never know who is falling in love with it.(:


Abigal's POV

"Abigal! You don't want to be late for your first day of your new school do you?"

"No..." I say quickly and hurry downstairs. Before my mom and I moved to Utah we lived in Florida and my dad was an alcoholic so he would come home and beat me, that is until my mom found out. I quickly grab something to eat, grab my bag and head outside and drive to school. When I arrive at the school I find a parking spot and then set off to find the office to get my schedule.

"Are you new?" a girl asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"It's a small town, and your skin color." she told me.

"What do you mean my skin color?"

"Oh, I just meant you're really tan for living up here, nothing bad"

"Oh, okay makes sense"

"Yeah, would you like some help?" she offered.

"Yeah, if you could show me where the office is that would be great." I say

"Yeah, that's fine. Oh and by the way my name is Destinee." she says

"I'm Abigal" I tell her

"Well Abigal, nice to meet you." Destinee said. "I think we will be great friends"

"Same here" As we were walking to the office I found out she has a twin, Tristan who is gay but is really outgoing and nice. Just as we turn a corner I bump into someone.

"Hello beautiful"

"Hi jerk" I could already tell his personality was cocky. I study him and notice his bright emerald eyes, his perfect smile, his built body, and his abs which you could see through his shirt.

"I know I am hot, but there is no need to stare." he says with a smirk on his face.

"That's a load of bull. I've seen way better" who is the one smirking now?

"Baby, I'm way better"

"Psh, you wish.."

"Wanna bet?"

"Bet about what? How I would kick your butt?"

"Come on babe, don't be like that" and adds a wink

"Hun, you wouldn't win, trust me" I say

"What makes you say that?" He questions

"I've dealt with so many guys like you, I know what you want and how you play girls." I say and Destinee and I walk off.

"Abi? Do you know who that was?" Destinee asks me.

"Nope and I don't care."

"That's was Corbin Ericks, the King of players. Nobody has ever stood up to him."

"Ugh, I hate players, but I am so not scared of them."

"But you just made history!"

"Does this face look like it cares?" I ask and walk into the office to get my schedule.

Corbin's Pov

I knew that our school was getting a new student but I didn't know she was going to be a girl or that she was going to be hot.

"Hello beautiful" I say while smirking

"Hi jerk" ouch. I notice she was checking me out.

"I know I'm hot but there is no need to stare"

"That's a load of bull, I've seen way better" wow, she's a feisty little thing

"Baby, I'm way better"

"In your dreams"

"Wanna bet?" I ask her

"Bet about what? How I would kick your butt?"

"Come on babe, don't be like that" I say and wink at her

"Hun, you wouldn't win, trust me" she say

"What makes you say that?" He questions

"Ive dealt with so many guys like you, I know what you want and how you play girls." she says and her andwalk off.

"Wow bro, you just got rejected?" Blake says to me.

"I know that has never happened before, she is just playing hard to get is all. Jason, tell me what you know about her"

"Her name is Abigal Johnson, she just moved here from Florida." Jason said

"Why?" I ask curiously

"I don't know.. It could be a bunch of reasons"

"Alright, fine.  Don't tell me. Wanna make a bet?" I ask Jason and Blake?

"Yeah" they both say

"Ok, first one to make Abigal fall in love with you gets $100 from the other two people ok?

"Let's do this" Blake says.

Jason's Pov

I didn't tell Corbin that detail because he doesn't need to know. He would just end up messing it up and she is already going through so much.

I hope you liked it, please comment, and vote. My goal for this book it for it to be better then my other one(: Have a nice day(:


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