what the HELLLL kinda bUUULLSHIT?

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A hand burst through the surface of the tar-like water and scrambled to locate the land. It found solid ground and its nails, stained black, scraped the dirt looking for something to hold.

It found a rock and soon a second hand joined before the owner of said hands pulled her head above the surface of the Ocean of Immortality.

She couldn't breath, the tar was still in her lungs. She tried to cough up the slimy substance, all the while moving forward.

Amora the Enchantress pulled her chest onto the land, and reached an arm ahead to pull herself forward.

The ocean's 'water' clung to her legs like the tentacle of an octopus. Suddenly the black substance tightened and yanked her backwards. She was pulled back until she was waist deep again. The witch clutched onto the rock she'd found as if her life depended on it - it did, in a way. Still choking, Amora was sure that just like every other time, she was going to be pulled back to the bottom of the ocean - eternally drowning, eternally tortured by the pressure of the ocean against her body, eternally imprisoned.

But Odin's suppressant on her magic had weakened almost completely. Although it had taken her months to even reach the surface of the ocean, her magic was with her the entire time. For once, she had a weapon against this motherfucker.

She took one hand off the rock, immediately being pulled a little deeper as she did, and let the free hand glow green as she whispered her commands to the universe and a prayer to the Norns.

A ray of green light shot out of her hand, the water's hold on her loosening as it hit.

She quickly pulled herself onto solid ground and crawled forward, limbs weak and tired, until she collapsed.

She coughed up as much of the thick black water as she could, though she could still feel it coating her lungs.

Chest aching and utterly exhausted, she laughed. She laughed until she couldn't anymore.

She was free.

And she was pissed.


Nick Fury's beeper was still transmitting its location to Carol Danvers' own, so it was easy enough to find him sitting alone in a pub called 'the luck o' the Irish'. He certainly didn't look very lucky.

Carol was glad she had decided to wear normal - if outdated - earth clothing instead of her suit. The other patrons of the pub didn't look like they were SHIELD.

She sat down on the bar stool beside him. "You called?"

"Six months ago." He downed the rest of his whisky before he turned to her. "Where were you, Carol? I thought you were dead."

"There was a time dilation field separating us." She explained. "I only got your signal yesterday."

"Half of Earth was wiped out." He replied, still half accusatory. Carol knew he wasn't actually blaming her though, it just meant some real shit was going down.

"Fuck. How did that even-"

He shook his head. "It doesn't matter anymore. The threat was taken care of, everyone was brought back. Wasn't fun dying though."

Carol's heart twinged at that mention of death but figured he'd rather focus on the matter at hand. "Your beeper's still broadcasting an emergency signal."

His face tightened. "We have a new problem. One with a more difficult solution." He sighed. "I found a Skrull in the UN."

"I thought there weren't any left here?"

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