Don't fuck with me! I have the powers of God AND webs on MY side!

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It started raining as Peter made his way back to the apartment. By the time he landed on the balcony and near broke the glass doors with his rapid knocking, he was soaked to the bone.

Shuri opened the doors fairly quickly and Peter practically collapsed inside. "Woah, woah." Shuri held up her hands, stopping him from even stepping foot in the room. "Let me get a towel first.

Peter waited - with utter and complete patience, for sure - and finally she returned with a towel in hand and placed it on the ground.

She smiled, and gestured to the towel. "You may enter."

"Finally!" Peter exclaimed, stepping onto the towel and closing the balcony doors behind him rather quickly.

"Did you find the magic source then?" Shuri asked.

Peter shrugged. "Well, I found it, sure. But I don't really know what to do with them."

"So it's a person then?"

Peter nodded. "A kid. I didn't get to talk to him much before he disappeared."

Shuru frowned. "That matches the description on the news."

"The news?"

"Yeah, everyone's really freaked because several people say a kid threw a man into a wall with magic."


"Are you just going to keep repeating the last word of everything I say? Yes. Magic. They saw his hands turn green and the man fly backwards. Everyone's just calling it magic."

"Is the guy okay?" He asked.

"Broken arm, concussion." Shuri shrugged. "He's fine, but there's rumours they're going to try bring the kid to The Raft."

"He's just a kid!" Peter said, "I saw him, he was scared stiff. He doesn't belong there."

"No one belongs on The Raft," she amended, "but apparently once a kid has powers, they're called a threat instead of a child."

"This is... this is wrong."

"Yeah, no shit." Shuri replied. "Oh, do you want another towel?"

Peter had almost forgotten how cold he was, and looked down at his shaking hands. "Yeah, please."

She got the new towel - as well as a change of clothes - to him faster than she had the first one, leading Peter to think she had probably delayed to annoy him before. Not cool.

"Thanks," he said as he took the clothes from her.

"Yeah, no problem," she replied, "I'll be in the sitting room when you're done."

Peter closed the heavy curtains behind him as she walked away, before slowly peeling off his wet suit from where it clung to his skin. He let the suit drop beside his feet on the towel and dried himself off with the fresh one.

He slipped into his dry clothes very quickly (No binder - which was probably for the best, he'd been wearing this one too long - but there was his biggest, warmest, most loose-fitting jumper. Shuri was an actual goddess) and after putting his clothes on a wash, joined Shuri in the sitting room, falling in beside her on the couch.

"So," she greeted him with, "hydra or shitty government?"

"Either way they need to be stopped," Peter said, "If they try to put this kid on The Raft, I'll publicly stand against the accords."

"That's risky."

"Yeah, but.. it's like this thing my Uncle Ben always said to me: With great power comes great responsibility. People trust spider-man, I have a little bit of influence. I can't stand by and do nothing."

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