Yes, she is a bitch. B-I-C-T-H

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"Hey, Wanda, want to help me find the source of this blood rain?" Peter asked.

"Sure, why not?"

He began to walk back to the balcony, but Shuri held her hand in his way. "Peter, are you sure you should be going out as Spider-Man?"

"No." He replied. "But if this is someone that can do magic and makes their first impression with blood rain? Then I don't really have a choice.

She dropped her hand. "Stay safe. Tell me everything when you get back."

Peter gave her a friendly salute and looked over his shoulder at Wanda. "You ready?"

She nodded and Peter made his way to the hallway, putting on his mask as he walked. Taking a running start, Peter dove off the balcony and let himself fall.

The wind tore at his face and the blood began to seep into his suit and he was weightless and free falling. It was forever and not long enough before he aimed his web shooter and swung himself up to the nearest rooftop.

Taking his phone from his pocket, he finally took Brunnhilde off hold and put the call on speaker so he could put the phone down momentarily to do a quick scan of his webshooters. "You there, Hildy?"

"Don't call me that."

He instantly backed down at the tone of her voice. "Yes, ma'am. So who exactly are we looking for?"

With nothing more than a disgruntled noise at being addressed so formally, she continued, "Some Asgardian chick. An Enchantress, I think. Blonde, fond of green, really tall, wearing fucking boot pants. Heimdall was talking to her for a bit. She's super pissed at Odin for something."

"But... Odin's dead, right?"

"Yeah, and after Heimdall told her that, she wanted to know where Thor was."


"Yeah, exactly." Brunnhilde agreed. "Heimdall was able to sense roughly where she was going and we figured that an enchantress is probably heading to one of the biggest magical landmarks on Midgard."

"The Sanctum Sanctorum?"

"Yeah, that. I would've called the Strange guy himself but I didn't like him enough to get his number."

"That's fair." Peter agreed.

"Sif and I will be there soon, has she caused any trouble yet?"

"Uh, blood rain?"

"Blood rain?"

Peter nodded even though she couldn't see. "Yeah, it's really gross."

"Norns," she muttered, "we'll be there as soon as we can, just wanted to warn you. She's powerful and we don't know the extent of her magic yet, so don't engage."

"Yeah, yeah. Totally. No engaging, this city will be proposal free."

"Peter." She said, a tone of seriousness seeping into her voice.

"Yes, okay. I promise to stay away from the magic lady."

"Thanks, kid. Stay safe."

After she hung up, Peter made a face. "Why does everyone call me that?"

"Because you look like one." Wanda said. Peter whipped around to see her standing behind him. "You've got a baby face, it's cute."

Peter made a scowl like he was actually angry with her, and she laughed.

"So," she continued, "you're absolutely going to break that promise, right?"

He smiled. "Duh. I'm a thug, a rebellious child. My life be like ooh-ah."

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