oh shit meow meow i thought yous was dead

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"It can't be," Peter said, "Loki's dead."

"They've faked their death before." Shuri shrugged.

"No, Loki wouldn't do that to us. We're friends, they would've told us if they were faking their death."

"They've never told Thor before, it wouldn't be surprising if they kept it from us too." Wanda stopped her magical scan of Loki and sat back. "Besides, I know this is Loki. Their magic feels the exact same, just... less complex, more irrational."

"What if Thor just has another secret sibling he doesn't know about?" Peter put forward.

"Or if Loki has a kid they've kept secret from years?" Shuri continued.

"I know this is Loki." Wanda insisted.

"But they didn't recognise me!" Peter said, "As Peter or as Spider-man!"

"Oh." Shuri said. "That's why you're so insistent on this."

"Yeah, I just... don't want to believe that Loki would pretend not to know me after we got so close."

"That's understandable." Wanda said, giving Peter a sympathetic smile. "But it might not be what you think. They look like a kid, so... maybe they are one?"

"What do you mean?" Peter asked.

"We all know Thor probably tried to bring Loki back with the infinity gauntlet. How are we supposed to know what that thing could do accidentally?"

"So, Loki's alive," Shuri said, "but they don't remember us."

"At least they're alive at all." Peter said.

"Yeah." Shuri smiled. "At least there's that."

Loki began to stir. The three peered over at them as they slowly blinked open their eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Peter asked.

Loki pushed himself up into a sitting position and looked slowly at the three of them. "... fine."

"Do you know who we are?" Peter continued.

Loki looked at him like he was stupid.

"Everyone knows who you are. You're Spider-man." They studied his face for a moment before they grinned. "Did I steal Spider-man's wallet?"

"I let you have it."

"Does this make me a better thief than the Rhino?"

"That's not hard," Peter countered, "Rhino's not exactly a master of stealth."

"He still robbed a bank last week," Loki argued, "but he didn't get away. So I'm the better thief."

"I'm Shuri." Shuri cut in before pointing to the other two. "That's Peter and that's Wanda."

"Who are you?" Wanda asked.

Loki stayed silent, analysing each of them carefully. They said nothing.

"It's alright," Peter said, "We're the good guys. Those people that were attacking you? They're our enemies too."

"So... we're allies by means of a common enemy?"

"Sure," Shuri said, "but like, we don't need you to be our ally. You're a kid, we'll just make sure they won't find you."

Loki looked at them suspiciously. "Alright... well then, I'm Serrure."

Wanda, Shuri and Peter all shared a round of looks. "Serrure?" Peter asked.

"That's what I said, isn't it?"

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