ohhhh she need some milk!

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The light was dim when she pulled herself from the ocean of immortality. The dead trees and thick fog before appeared to be the most beautiful things she had ever laid her eyes upon, which felt wrong.

Although, she supposed after an eternity of darkness, they would be. She couldn't even remember the last beautiful thing she had seen, let alone anything that could outshine freedom.

She didn't know how long she spent coughing up the tar-like water of the ocean and covering her eyes to hide them from the dim light that was still too-bright.

When her eyes finally adjusted, she felt for her magic. That, at least, hadn't been lost to her. It responded in an instant – pushing and pulsing against her skin, itching to get out.
She couldn't find the words, but she urged the magic to bring her back home. To Asgard.

The next moment, she was floating, rocks and distantly familiar stars around her. She knew to keep breathing, although there was no air. The science had escaped her mind, but she was well aware of the necessity of pushing non-existent air in and out of her lungs.

Asgard was gone, she realised, and found it hard to care.

If anyone was alive, they'd be on Midgard. The mortals there worshipped them, it'd be easy to fit in.

Her magic brought her to Midgard and she collapsed. It was understandable, she didn't use her magic in the ocean, she had forgotten how much she could use. She was a maybe a tad bit rusty.

She awoke to a damp cloth dabbing at her forehead. She quickly opened her eyes and cringed at the bright light.

"It's alright, love, take it easy." A voice soothed.

Amora pushed herself up. "What happened?"

"Thought you could tell me that. Found you collapsed beside the creek."

"I simply overexerted myself."

Amora opened her eyes again slowly and found a slightly older woman giving her a scrutinising look.

"You were out for three days. Were half awake a coupla times to puke up a bunch of black stuff. Would've brought you to the hospital if it weren't for the fact that you're obviously one of those super humans – you were glowing at some points."

"Is... three days a lot to be asleep for?"

"Who are you?" The woman shook her head.


"Got a last name?"

She searched for it, but came up with nothing. She didn't know who her parents were, what they were like. She had simply... forgotten her surname. Lost it to the ocean like she had lost so much of herself.

"I don't remember."

"What's the year?"

"I don't know."

"Who's the prime minister?"

"What's a prime minister?"

The woman pulled the damp cloth away and frowned. "Maybe I should risk bringing you to the hospital."

"I do not need your- your hospital, mortal." Amora snapped. "I need to know if any of the Asgardians survived whatever destroyed Asgard."

"You're one of Thor's people?"

"Thor!" She exclaimed in recognition. "Yes! I know him. Sort of. Is he alive?"

"I think so? He left Earth a while ago. But the rest of Asgard is in Norway."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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