07. Carlisle

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Catherina had let out an unfulfilled exhalation at the sunlight that seeped through the large intolerable window

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Catherina had let out an unfulfilled exhalation at the sunlight that seeped through the large intolerable window. For a moment, she had forgotten that she wasn't at one of her and Thorn's many homes—that usually strayed from allowing the light from outside in.

Some would consider that gesture as them being the children of the night—but it was just how she and Thorn lived most of their lives. Having kept themselves hidden from the world as much as they could—living in extravagant homes like the Cullen's—was completely new to her.

Once she elevated her body off the large bed, she could feel the tightness of her muscles. While releasing the tension through standing up and stretching—did her eyes light up just realizing the sunlight.

She let a soft chuckle leave her lips and turned to Thorn who was still asleep and sprawled across the other side of the bed. She grinned and jumped on the said bed making it bounce with her weight. She let a laugh escape her lips seeing how the force caused her son to fall off the bed.

Catherina crawled over and peered down to the ground hearing him groan in pain," Good morning my beautiful, child"

"Why are you like this?" He grumbled in strain slowly opening his eyes. The frown plastered on his face as he looked at his mother," Couldn't you have awakened me like a normal person?"

She scoffed playfully leaning on her elbows that was plopped on the bed," That's the thing, my dear, we are far from ever being normal" She added cheekily sending a wink before getting up.

He let a loud obnoxious groan through his throat, though just like his mother once he saw the sunlight, he quickly got up from the ground with a smile now present on his face.

The Sunlight—the main source of their power. It was always a rare chance for them to see the sun, especially since all the places they lived were in the damp, snowy or—like Forks, just dreary. The reason that being was because people who hunted them knew that the sun was their source of restoration.

The main other reason, that they did not live in places that had the sun present most of the time, was that too much of it would make their kind power-hungry. Their bodies were different, sure they were immortals—but they were still human.

As the sunlight restores it anew—too much of it would cause insanity. It was a drug that had to be handled with caution.

"First, we'll greet the others" Catherina turned to Thorn swaying on her feet unable to hold her excitement," Then we can restore ourselves"

Thorn snickered also not being able to resist the excitement and followed suit onto grabbing a new set of clothes. While Catherina went first to freshen up, Thorn took the chance to get their restoring grimoires for their rehabilitation.

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