seven ; trapped in a cage

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"It was all going so well," spoke a voice from the bustling crowd at Diagon Alley. "I thought we had something special, but I haven't seen her for a while now," the voice continued.

Unfortunately, Peter knew exactly who it was and that they were talking about Dorcas Meadowes (Peter's crush since their fourth year at Hogwarts).
"It's like she just disappeared." Benjy Fenwick's tall, well-built body stood out in the crowd of mostly children, shopping with their parents. He had dark curly hair and a short beard. His facial structure was sharp and chiselled, much different to Peter's dimpled baby-face.

As Peter heard the voice becoming louder and closer, he didn't have the courage to to reveal himself. Who would have the courage to talk to their crush's crush? Instead, he quickly shrank into his alternate form, next to the cart of newspapers titled 'STORMS AHEAD'. With his small anatomy, Peter was just able to scuttle through the crowds of witches and wizards and head down a narrow alleyway.

It was gloomy and creepy but Peter felt the urge to explore. He realised it was almost a replica of Diagon Alley, but more dull and eerie, much less radiant. The long, winding road was narrow and the shops had no bright colours or inviting entrances. He ran to a large sign and looked up (still in his small rodent body). It read 'KNOCKTURN ALLEY'. Shouts suddenly broke the silence. It sounded like some wizards were heading Peter's way.

Peter saw the bright sparks rapidly fly his way, before he saw the wizards who had conjured them. He tried to run but he had nowhere to run to.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" a witch screeched happily. Peter flew into the air and was able to see the wizards who were targeting him. A young woman with long black, curly hair smiled sinisterly, she was stood next to a man wearing a black cloak. "What do we have here?" the woman said, slowly walking towards Peter. "Poor, sickly, foul, little beastie." she said looking at the rat struggling in front her. Peter screeched and wriggled but nothing could have saved him. Except maybe one thing.

He transformed back into his puny human form, much to the two wizards surprise, and stood shaking in front of them. The female witch gasped, almost dropping her wand, and the male wizard stepped forward in confusion.
"P-please don't hurt me." Peter said, nervously shivering.
The female witch readied her wand, "Why shouldn't we?" she said, raising an eyebrow, "Huh?" her voice was expressive and chilling. She was insane. The male witch laughed and got his own wand out of his cloak, pointing it at Peter.
"Please no! I-I'll do anything, please!"
"Anything?" the female witch replied, grinning.
"Stop with the dramatics, Bella, just hurry up and kill him." the male wizard said, agitated.
"No! I mean it, I'll do anything!" Peter gulped, thinking of anything to say, "I'll tell you anything you want to hear! About Hogwarts, the Order or the Prophecy!" he shouted desperately.

This stopped the man and woman in front of him. They looked at each other, then slowly back at Peter. The curly haired witch stepped forwards.

"The Prophecy?" she said, her eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.
"Yes! The Prophecy! I know lots, just please don't hurt me." Peter begged.
"What is your name rat?" the witch asked, coldly.
"Peter Pettigrew," he quickly replied. "And I can tell you anything you want to know."

1981 » The Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now