ten ; the dawn of a new era

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It was 8 o'clock by the time Sirius arrived at Godric's Hollow, on his silver Triumph Bonneville. He threw it to the side with no care in the world for one of his most prized possessions, which only last week was he bragging about it to James. Only last week did everything feel fine.

He ran through where the gates and front door once stood. Little did Sirius know, he wasn't the first to enter the Potter's household after the attack that night. Severus had paid a visit, only minutes after his Dark Lord had left. He had briefly paid his respects to Lily, as he knew it would only be a matter of time before someone else came, and went.

Sirius walked two steps into the house, and noticed James' body. His best friend for 10 years, lying there still and lifeless. A nauseous sensation overcame Sirius' body, as he stood frozen at the sight of James' body laying on the staircase. He dizzily walked up the body, his eyes blurred by tears, and knelt down beside him. James was slumped halfway up the staircase- he hadn't even make it downstairs to have a chance of fighting. His hazel eyes were wide open, but his iris held a sign of sadness and suffering. His lips were cold and colourless, his hands, one still gripped onto his mahogany wand, were stiff and grey. Sirius clasped onto them and rested his weight onto James' body and bawled.

A cry came from upstairs. A baby's cry. Sirius looked up, his eyes were blood-shot and tired. He blinked repeatedly and gulped as the cries continued. Harry's still alive? How? He rested James upright, taking another glance at his friend, and then walked upstairs to the nursery.

Harry sat there, disturbed and afraid. His cries were haunting to Sirius as he came closer to the crib. Lying before it, was Lily. Her auburn hair was scattered on the floor, and her small, darkened eyes were closed. Sirius gritted his teeth. Lily was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever laid his eyes on, he had been reminded nearly every single day by James for the past decade. But now she was gone.

At least they are together. Sirius thought. He wasn't religious, but he knew if only one had died, the other wouldn't be able to go on.

Sirius picked up baby Harry, whose cries only grew louder and sadder. "It's okay," Sirius said to him, "Mummy's okay," he lied. He slowly walked out of the room, bouncing Harry and trying to compose himself. "It's okay, you're gonna be okay," he said, as he took another last look at Lily, the girl he helped his best friend chase for years. The girl who had also became his best friend, and walked downstairs.

Sat on one of the sofas located in the Potter's living room, Sirius felt many different emotions. He felt grief and guilt, but also a deep anger began to burn inside of him. It was a rightfully cold and lonely atmosphere without his friends. After a while Harry had somewhat calmed down and began pulling on Sirius' hair- which he did to anyone whose hair was long enough.

Steps came from the front garden. Initially Sirius thought it was Remus, who he'd left at Peter's house the moment he figured out what his other friend had done. Sirius realised that the footsteps had a heavier and stronger sound than Remus'. They got closer and closer and Sirius, holding Harry tightly to his chest, stood tall and brave (the only thing he was able to do).

Hagrid walked in, making Sirius sigh from relief. "Sirius? Sirius Black?" he said, confused. "What in gallopin' gorgons are you doing 'ere? An' 'ow is 'Arry still alive?" he said, shocked. Sirius gave him one despairing glance. "I-I don't know, he's in shock and he's confused, but he's fine," Sirius said. "B-but it's James and Lily. They're-they're gone."

Hagrid stood back in shock. He looked to the staircase, and saw the body for himself. He looked back at Sirius.
This is the one who needs help now, he thought. It's too late for James and Lily, but Sirius is still here and that means he is the one in most pain.
"Why don't ye 'and over 'Arry, then?" Hagrid suggested, reaching his large arms out.
Sirius backed up a few steps, sniffing. "No," he shook his head and gulped, "I'm his godfather, I have to be with him, it's my- it's my job, he's my responsibility now," he said, as his eyes teared up. He shook his head, squinting his eyes to try and get the tears to stop flowing.
"It's alright, Sirius," Hagrid said, he could see the pain in him, "I've got 'im." he said, gently taking Harry into his large arms. Sirius gave in.

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