nine ; october 31st

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The evening of October 31st 1981 was a cold one. However, the typical autumn chill and the fog of breath, seen when anybody talked, was slightly satisfying. It had only just turned 6 o'clock, yet the sun had set hours before. The peacefulness of the streets comforted the population of witches and wizards living in England during those dark times, and the familiar alleys of South London were the most comforting to the same two close-knit boys who used to wander them on a night out in their teenage years.

Sirius and Remus had not spent a day apart since their tryst at the Hog's Head. Their lives went on as normal- however normal living in a war-zone could be. There were no drastic changes, they were still the same people, but they did feel a strange new weight upon them.

The two walked hand in hand in the middle of a quiet road somewhere in London. They didn't care to fear of the muggle motor cars, as they hadn't been passed by one for the last 30 minutes, but the positioning of their hands suggested that they feared something else. Their cold fingers intertwined down low, as if they were school children at the playground. They had yet to reveal their relationship to any of their friends, but they decided it was now or never.

"This is a bad idea, right?" Remus laughed, as the two got closer to Peter's small house.
"Every idea of ours is a bad idea," Sirius winked, "That's what makes it fun."
"I'm not sure that's true, Padfoot," Remus replied, shaking his head.

The two had reached Peter's front door. Remus took a deep breath, Sirius turning to him. "Well, it's not like this is coming out of the blue, is it?" he laughed. Remus smiled back at him, his nose red from the cold and his eyes shimmering.

They knocked on the large oak door of the small apartment standing before them. Silence replied. They knocked again, Sirius calling out Peter's name this time.
"Probably out for a drink," Remus suggested.
"Well then I'm sure he won't mind if we just..." Sirius said, turning the handle of the door. It opened. He grinned at Remus, who shook his head trying to hide his smile.

Sirius entered the dim apartment first, marching in and heading for the fridge. Remus turned on the lights, revealing the kitchen, living area and his bedroom joined as one. There were unwashed dishes and piles of rubbish which Peter had evidently forgotten to take out. It was small and plain, except for the wooden desk which stood furthest away from the door. It faced a window, with no apparent or plausible view, and had various letters and parchments scattered around and on it.

"Hey uh, what are these?" Remus asked Sirius, who was already drinking from a beer bottle he had stolen from Peter's fridge. Sirius walked over to Remus and observed. A closer look at the desk, and the two could see that it was completely covered in papers. Some letters, some sketches which neither of them could yet make out. Sirius picked up one of the letters and it read as follows:

Dear Pettigrew,

I didn't think you'd last two seconds with us. Wimp and cowardly, yet you've proven yourself. The work you've done for us has been reasonable, and I can see you have possibility.

In regards of the phenomenon scheduled the 31st of October, all seems to be going well. The plan is ready, and all we can do now is wait. Just know that without you, this couldn't have been as easily achievable. I have no doubt that Lord Voldemort will reward you soon.

A Dolohov

Sirius scanned the letter again and again, like he was still processing it all. Desperately, he wished that it was just his tired mind playing tricks, but it was not. The name at the top was addressed to Peter, the information was as he read it and the two words he saw did say 'Lord Voldemort'.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Sirius said, his eyes widening. He felt unsteady and weak. "Sirius..." Remus said, reaching to one of the many parchments sat on the table. He tapped his wand on the parchment, and it slowly revealed a snake-like creature wrapped around a skull. The two stood frozen and silent. They gazed at one another, their minds buzzing.

Suddenly, Sirius looked back at the letter scanning it again. His eyes stopped at the words '31st of October' and immediately ran out of the door.


Godric's Hollow had a comforting ease too that night. The darkness, which was illuminated by the many street lamps that were darted up and down the road, was a ironic indication at what was to happen. Though Lily and James hadn't thought twice about it, this night was about to be their last.

Lily had just returned from a stroll with baby Harry. It was something she quite enjoyed, being on house arrest meant she was under strict orders and soon she developed a rebellious side, which she had never experienced at hogwarts.

James kissed her as she came through the front door, he'd been waiting there since she had left only 10 minutes prior. He picked Harry up and bounced him, making cooing noises. Lily smiled sweetly, her eyes sparkling of joy. "Let's put you to bed, huh? I'm shattered'" she said to Harry. The three of them wandered upstairs and into Harry's nursery.

It was decorated with all kinds of creatures on the yellow walls. There was a small bookcase, full of muggle and magical storybooks that Lily was so desperate to read to Harry. James lay him in the crib, which sat in the centre of the room.

There was hardly any time for the couple to kiss Harry goodnight, when a crash came from outside their cottage. The two exchanged glances. Immediately James ran to their bedroom, which faced the street, and to the window. He brushed the curtain aside slightly, and peeked out. For weeks, himself and Lily has lived on edge waiting for a time like this. With every knock on the door, or voice from the street, they had learned to go into lockdown.

As James looked out, he saw the gate had been blasted off, its remains were scattered across the front lawn. He looked to the front door and saw the figure. Cloaked and haunting.

James' face was the only thing Lily needed for confirmation. His sad, frightened glance at her desperate eyes was enough for her to figure it out. "Take Harry, Lil," James said, as he put his hands on her waist.
"No, wait," she replied with her eyes welling up, holding onto his arms. Everything was happening so quickly. "Please, just take Harry and go!" he repeated firmly. His eyes started to well to, Lily shook her head.
"No... no." she said.

A second loud crash came, this time from inside the house. It sounded as if the front door had been blasted off. Lily and James both looked to the staircase, then quickly back at each other.
"It's okay." he said to her, before running to the stairs. He glanced back and for a split second he looked sorrowful, then suddenly his face changed to warmth and intimacy, before he walked down the stairs, wand at the ready, and into the hands of Lord Voldemort.

1981 » The Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now