The First

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Word Count: 653

A/N: Tell me what you think about it with a comment. For requests feel free to comment on this chapter or dm me.
Sorry for the long gap but I was sad and uninspired.

I've been Lucifer's best friend for 5 years now and when a woman and a man are BF, sometimes might happen that one of the two falls in love with the other one.
Between me and him, obviously, the person that fell in love was me.

The last 15 months felt like hell, every day I had to help Lucifer in his problems with feelings. What I obtained was that he realized he was in love with Chloe.
I remember that day like it was yesterday.

He saying those words, me grabbing my bag and walking to the elevator while my eyes were filling with tears, Lucifer praying me to stay and speak to him.
What I remember better was what I screamed, with all the air in my body.

"You wanna know what is wrong with me? I tell you immediately. I'm fucking in love with you Lucifer!!" I yelled before letting the elevator's doors closing.

Since that day I passed my days trying to avoid him, Chloe or any one of their team. Since that day I passed my days crying me to sleep while watching the photos of them kissing on Instagram.

It's been 2 months since when I confessed Lucifer my feelings and all I got was 40 lbs less and him ignoring all that occurred in the last 5 years.


I was lost in my thoughts while walking on the street, heading to my apartment, when my phone ringed. It was a message from him, in a few seconds my eyes filled with tears as I read through the text.

" Hey, I know I've been an asshole for the last months and I'm so fucking sorry. Chloe and I just figured out that what we feel for each other is deep respect, nothing more "

" Right now I'm sitting on the sofa trying to get drunk to get you out of my mind for a little bit with bad results, unfortunately. The bad fact about divinity "

As soon as I finished reading the messages he was calling me. While I was answering, I entered my apartment and closed the door behind me.
I ran to my bedroom, sat and the bed and finally picked that phone call I've been waiting for weeks.

"H-Hello" I said with a trembling voice.
"Hey Y/N. Can I come to your apartment? I need to see you" he said with a hopeful tone.
"Yes, you can" I tried to say.
I didn't finish the sentence and someone was knocking on my door.
While smiling and crying at the same time I opened the entrance of my little flat.

He was there, with one hand on the doorstep smiling like I've never seen him doing it.
I let Lucifer in, I closed the door and followed him to my sofa, where he was sitting waiting for me to do or say something.

What I did surprised myself first.
Isat on him, with my bare legs at the side of his. I was a few inches away from this handsome devilish man.
My heart was pounding in my chest, my eyes had dilated pupils and I was biting my lower lip to not let my hard breath out. He firmly put his hands on my back, moving them slowly trying to calm me down.

"As I said earlier, I'm so sorry for making you last weeks look like Hell. As soon as she and I cleared everything, I realized why you did everything for. You are the first I showed my real face to, you've always been the first to come and help me with any kind of problem, you've always been the first"

After that sweet confession, he started kissing my neck and slowly went near my hear and said "Impatient, are we". I smiled and moaned a "Yes" I could barely hear.

What came next was something I'll remember forever.

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